Roo's comb turning blue everytime it rains

I just wanted to say that my barnyard mix roo's comb on the tips has been blue while he is molting this year. He just finished his molt a few weeks ago. He is only a year old but I thought it interesting. Otherwise, he is his normal self.
My Cuckoo Marans roo, Jean-Robert, gets a purplish comb (on the back half), as well. I wonder if it is because he doesn't get enough sleep? I say this because we are talking about lack of oxygen and sleepy-acting roos, and Jean-Robert is a hardcore watchdog roo. He is ALWAYS on alert. Maybe it is finally getting to him.

He also has access to layer feed, but until now, I have never heard of this being a problem for roosters. Is it really from excessive calcium?

What is rooster booster, btw?
WHOA! kinda spendy... but I guess if I see it is not going away, I may have to give it a try.

I have used that Rooster Booster black tar stuff for anti-picking and it works quite well!
I had a BO roo that had a humongous comb and it often turned blue, not usually all of it but certainly at least 2/3 of it when really bad. He seemed perfectly healthy otherwise and it came and went.... I never could figure out exactly what triggered it but he did seem to get worse if he was uptight about something... He also got pretty aggressive so he ended up in the pot after a year or so....

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