Roost for chicks?

Apr 13, 2020
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

I'm going to be attempting to hatch 36 chicks next month (first time hatching my own so I don't know how great the results will actually be) and I'm wondering how I should build a roost for them? My current hens started perching around 3 weeks old in the brooder, so I won't put anything in the brooder for the new chicks until around that time...... my first perch/roost that I built for my girls ended up being a bit unstable and ultimately was unsuccessful. For the new one, I'm thinking a roost very close to the ground would be best, just a couple inches above the floor probably. Does anyone have any tips, or some pictures of things that worked you? I'm also not super certain about how long it should be (I know it needs to be wide enough for their feet to be flat, so I'm thinking 2-3 inches for that) but I want them to be able to all fit on it, or at least most of them. My brooder is about 3 feet x 10 feet.

Thanks :)
Here's a photo:

We use something similar for our chicks. Attached it to a 2x4 (It actually may be a bigger piece of wood, but same principle) and the other end is actually put through the chicken wire on the other side to hold it up. The actual roost that they sit on is thinner, so they could close their foot around it.

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