He is 7 months old. Our coop is 8x8 and the roosting bar goes all the way across so it’s 8 feet long. 6 hens and one rooster.
He's not too young but might not be quite mature yet.
How old are your hens?
What kind of situation/flock did he come from?

Agrees a 2nd roost might be a good idea and space it a couple feet away from the other,
or maybe at right angles for more options.
He's not too young but might not be quite mature yet.
How old are your hens?
What kind of situation/flock did he come from?

Agrees a 2nd roost might be a good idea and space it a couple feet away from the other,
or maybe at right angles for more options.
From what I was told they all lived in harmony just fine. I saw him with his previous flock for a few mins and he seemed nice enough to them before he was caught. My pullets are 4 months old.
So he's older than your pullets, not best, but here he is. And while many articles talk about 1' per bird for roost space, IMO that's way too tight. At least one more roost, as mentioned, you really can't have too much roost space!
Hope he works out for your flock, it's always a question with cockerels, how they will behave as they mature.
From what I was told they all lived in harmony just fine. I saw him with his previous flock for a few mins and he seemed nice enough to them before he was caught. My pullets are 4 months old.
Were there other males in his first flock?
Your pullets are not sexually mature, that can mean problems if the males is trying to mount them as they are not ready yet.
Add another roost see if that helps, then let them work it out.
Were there other males in his first flock?
Your pullets are not sexually mature, that can mean problems if the males is trying to mount them as they are not ready yet.
Add another roost see if that helps, then let them work it out.
He was the only rooster with his previous flock. He has been nothing but nice to my girls since meeting them in person yesterday. He has not tried to mount any of them yet, they follow him around, they share food. He does seem to have a gentleness about him for a rooster. And on the roosting bar he wasn't attacked anyone or pushing them off. He was simply sitting where he wanted to sit and wanted more space I am assuming. I just wanted to be sure this is something we can get past. It also made me realize I need more roost room with him added! He is a big boy!
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I just wanted to be sure this is something we can get past.
Hard to say if it is a problem or a coincidental injury.
If you can't find the source of blood and didn't see the peck he gave draw blood, I'd not worry about it.

I have found occasional blood spatter in the coop and roost,
sometimes it's rather alarming but rarely found the actual wound or any obvious source/cause of contention.
Hard to say if it is a problem or a coincidental injury.
If you can't find the source of blood and didn't see the peck he gave draw blood, I'd not worry about it.

I have found occasional blood spatter in the coop and roost,
sometimes it's rather alarming but rarely found the actual wound or any obvious source/cause of contention.
I picked them all up and checked their legs, feet, and face. There was no open wounds so it must of been under their feathers somewhere. It was a few droplets of blood on the bar but it was just shocking to see when I went back in there to check on them. He was not being malicious at all about it so I am trying not to be mad at him for it. I understand he wants his space but I don't like to see my girls hurt and they have always roosted together just fine. Maybe in time he will allow them to roost closer to him once he is more comfortable with his new home. We are definitely adding another roosting bar tonight, at least 6-8 feet long along with their current 7-8 foot long roosting bar. I am hoping everyone will find a spot with enough room to be comfortable!
Do any of your birds have feathered legs/feet?
A comb can bleed pretty bad with not much of a sign left,
they also stop bleeding and heal up fast.
Nope! I have 2 australorps, 2 rhode island reds, and 2 barred rocks. I saw the tiniest nick on one of their toes but it didn't have fresh blood or anything on it and the cut was so tiny I couldn't imagine the blood came from it but maybe!

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