rooster attacked chick

Im feeling around his neck/ head *gently of course* and there’s like a spikey part where he was injured, could this be the bone that seems to be dislocated? he seems to hurt when i touch it.
to be more specific they also said “700 for cremation/ wanting to take the body home” i gasped and said bye bye :barnie
You are in Texas? Near what major city?
I'll find you a vet that will put down a chicken for less than 700.
You are in Texas? Near what major city?
I'll find you a vet that will put down a chicken for less than 700.
im in between austin and san marcos, a city named kyle :thumbsup i called about 10 and most of them said no they do not, another one said they can’t give me an estimate because it depends on how much they have to administer depending on weight.
Could you try and take a picture with the feathers parted?
the part that seems to be a little off isn’t really visible, i parted the feathers and all you could see is his skin and all of his feathers, i’m also not 100% percent sure due to the way his neck is twisted, but i checked the other cockerels and the area is different from garbanzo so that might be it. i’ll try to take a picture but all you’ll be able to see is just feathers and his skin :idunno
he’s usually on his right side most of the day, his leg is kinda angled to the left and his tail points to the left as well, it’s probably because he’s always been on his side. Should i try flipping him over to give his side a break? he freaks out but i’m not sure if this is because he’s not used to it or because it hurts? not sure what to do. Also since his leg is like that he’s not able ti balance in his sling :hmm

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