Rooster attacked ducks eye!

This isn’t good at all. Is there even an eye left?

I would try to clean out around the eye and see if it could be saved (hoping it is still there).

It looks like you have a Cayuga drake, and drakes and roosters usually show aggression and shouldn’t really be kept together.
It was through fencing put something up to make sure lucky couldn't stick his head through the fencing there before it was wide enough for him to fit his head I put he is separated now I put him in his pool to let it wash off some before I do anything to it...Thanks yes he is a Cayuga drake
I had a drake get spurred in the eye by a rooster last year

He healed up well and can still see out of it. Eyeballs are pretty good at healing, good luck with yours, try to keep it clean.
I just read you story on here a little while ago when I was searching for things that would help!glad your ducks ok...what did you use on him to h3lp it heal?
Vetercyn spray would be good here after initial cleaning. Poor thing that looks very painful.
Thank you...yes I feel so awful he stuck his head through fencing and my roo on the other side got him...I really hope it heals i dont want to lose him over something like this...he actually got his name lucky when I first got him my nbr had a duckling massacre every duckling was killed except lucky and he said I could have him he really has grown into a beautiful duck he is about 2 years old now and hate this has happened to him
Thank you...yes I feel so awful he stuck his head through fencing and my roo on the other side got him...I really hope it heals i dont want to lose him over something like this...he actually got his name lucky when I first got him my nbr had a duckling massacre every duckling was killed except lucky and he said I could have him he really has grown into a beautiful duck he is about 2 years old now and hate this has happened to him
Awww...Terrible although if the eye was punctured it will need to be removed or will ulcer and be extremely painful..Plus infection will set in. Hopefully it's not that badly injured..
Don't house the two species together..Keep it clean and even a contact solution will keep his eye moist. A Vet might be needed because that's painful . A baby aspirin for pain works..
The roo got him through fencing sorry if I made it sound like they were housed together lucky was able to stick his head through the fencing and never had a problem till now but I put something up so he can't stick his head through anymore...hopefully no vet is needed!!in going to try and keep it clean and go from there thanks for your help he is swimming in his pool right now I'm hoping that will help clean it before I try to do anything
Awww...Terrible although if the eye was punctured it will need to be removed or will ulcer and be extremely painful..Plus infection will set in. Hopefully it's not that badly injured..
I think he still has his eye while he was swimming some of the gunk flushed out but I don't think he can see out of it yet which I'm hoping he is not blind.
I think he still has his eye while he was swimming some of the gunk flushed out but I don't think he can see out of it yet which I'm hoping he is not blind.
Put him into a crate on clean bedding. No more pool time. Just his feed and water. Clean his eye and leave him out of a dirty environment till it scabs.

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