Rooster Bullying

Since the coop is too small and there isn't enough roosting space it seems that the rooster is reserving the best places for his favorite hens. :)

The usual recommendations for space per adult, standard-sized bird are:

4 square feet in the coop
10 square feet in the run
1 linear foot on the perch
1 square foot of permanent, 24/7/365 ventilation

If you show us photos of your coop and run and let us know your general location (best to put it in your profile), we can help you make adjustments to your setup so that everyone will be happy and healthy. :)
I am located just west of Reading, PA. I keep the heat lamp in there for the really cold day/nights to keep the water from freezing and at least one vent door is kept opened at all times. This is my second flock with the coop/ run set-up and same amount of birds - just this time I kept the rooster that was sent with them. The birds were ordered through Murray McMurray and I did the 15 random brown egg layer surprise me run.

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