Rooster croowing,next door neighbors complaining!!!!! HELP!!!!!

thanks for the help but i think of my animals as family memembers. thats funny that you said the coop thing cause my dad and i were talking about doing that lol!!!
<3 kelsey
Legal to have chickens, silly! So many people dictate what we can and cannot do. You have a house in the country so you and your family could have animals. If your neighbor doesn't like the sound of farm animals, he should move to a neighborhood that doesn't allow them. I'm just tired of people having to bend to someone else's moods. You have the right to keep animals, so if that's what you want to do, then do it. Enjoy your rooster. Your neighbor is in the wrong here.
My chickens are my pets, also. They all have names and I sure do enjoy them.
Legal to have chickens, silly! So many people dictate what we can and cannot do. You have a house in the country so you and your family could have animals. If your neighbor doesn't like the sound of farm animals, he should move to a neighborhood that doesn't allow them. I'm just tired of people having to bend to someone else's moods. You have the right to keep animals, so if that's what you want to do, then do it. Enjoy your rooster. Your neighbor is in the wrong here.
My chickens are my pets, also. They all have names and I sure do enjoy them.

i feel the egg-act lol same way!!!! and i know right they should pack up and move!!! lol i named all of mine too!!! what types do you have???
<3 kelsey
I have to agree with chickflick. City people (which I am) move to the country but can't live country. I love country and wish I had the chance to grow up in the country. I personally love hearing roosters crow, cows moo, pig oink, sheep baa......etc. Not having neighbors so close they can hear you sneeze. It's a serene life.
i do too!!! i trying to get my parents to get an alpaca but they just wont budge lol hahahhaha i also want goats,cows,sheep, ect lol but again the answer is no lol!!!
<3 kelsey
Gosh, a lot of different breeds. Bantam Polish and Favorelle, and silkies. Standard Barred Rock, Buff Orps, Blue Splash Orps, Lavender splash orps, California Whites, EEs, Buttercups and Astralorpes. Think that's it! lol Oh, and Light Brahams
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You also need to know that even as roosters age they will still sometimes crow all night. They don't just do it because they are young and learning to crow. My older boys crow at midnight, 2am, 3am, 4am, etc. They pretty much crow all the time. I like it, but they are mine. I live out in the country, and have no close neighbors, so it doesn't really matter. But your boy will continue to crow at all hours.

Build a soundproof coop or take him indoors at night. Perhaps then he will annoy your neighbors less. Neighbor battles are no fun and no one ever wins.
You may be able to have a rooster legally, but you may still have to abide by nuiscence laws. A rooster crowing at 4:30 and waking up the neighborhood may get you a nuiscence ticket in some areas. To be honest, I would be pretty peeved if someone's rooster was waking me up at 4:30 in the morning.

One thing that has been suggested on other postings is to black out or hang light blocking curtains on the windows of his coop. Some roosters crow when they see light and this may help keep him quiet until a reasonable time. I know 4:30 is too early for sunrise to be waking him up, but maybe you have a neighbor who goes to work around that time and his headlights are flashing the coop and alarming the rooster ?
my dad and i were planning on building a sound proof coop lol. i dont know about the all night thing i might get tired of him lol hahahha thanx so much for the help!!
<3 kelsey

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