Rooster Crowing Yippy! I think....


9 Years
Jan 21, 2011
Northwest Kansas
Ok we couldn't wait till our rooster started crowing. Well he started and our question is Do some roosters crow more than others? or do all roosters crow every 15 seconds?
It depends on the roo. Some roos just love to celebrate their glorious selves more than others! Maybe your's will settle down with a little age and settling of the male hormones.
My roo started out slow, then he started crowing about every 30 seconds from 3AM to 4PM. Had to rehome him to a nice place where they don't mind it. I am told SOME roos will crow a little less often - hoping to find one someday.
I can have roos, but that was a little much!
Roo's crow whenever they feel like or when they feel it's warranted!! Enjoy waking up to the sweet sound!!
I have a Silky roo that is soooo proud of his 'roosterliness' that he crows whenever the mood overtakes him, starting about 4 AM, but he also crows whenever someone pulls in the driveway, which can be helpful, so we call him our 'watchchicken'. He and my Cochin Frizzle roo get going and have a 'crow-off' to see who can crow the best and they could go on forever.

deb g
Our rooster crows a few times in the morning starting around 4:00am and then once in a while during the day and sometimes he will be quiet for a day or two. No telling, but we are in the country and landlord to the neighbors that eat our eggs so it is all good...

I like it myself, reminds me of times long past

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