Rooster Dilemma

I was in a diner one day. At the counter was this old man, happily boisterous, bantering with the waitress. She asked him how he would like his eggs, he replied, "With the rooster juice stare'n up."
That was the first comment that ever had me thinking about this fertile egg issue, but I continued to eat and love my eggs.
I like my eggs over easy on buttered toast or soft boiled so the yolk is runny on buttered toast, yum.

Oh man, I'm out of eggs.
Exactly! I mean, whoever thought to eat the first egg? A chicken lays an egg from his vent and some human picked it up and ate it
And you can certainly apply this train of thought to many foods.
Exactly! I mean, whoever thought to eat the first egg? A chicken lays an egg from his vent and some human picked it up and ate it
And you can certainly apply this train of thought to many foods.

And what about milk? Who was the first to start sucking on a cow?? I mean, gross! We are all so neurotic and most don't even realize it. It is ALL gross. Eating is gross if you really want to think about it. I recommend NOT thinking much about it. lol. Eggs are eggs.
Take the roos off for a couple of days and tell the fam that they were neutered. I'm sure it will be all the rave before too long anyway seeing as how we love to desex everything that is not human.
Whatever you decide, good luck to you. My hubby is the same, wants the roo dead for various reasons including fertile eggs. Good grief. :-(
Assuming you collect them regularly and don't allow a broody to incubate them, no one will ever be able to tell whether or not the eggs are fertilized.

That said, if you must come up with some kind of story to convince people, then tell them that your rooster shoots blanks. Ask a vet to write you a little note saying as much, if it would help.
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Storey's handbook says they like watching television. Let them watch Monday night football with you.

But when you take them back outside, better keep them isolated. Ask every parent of unplanned children how difficult it is to keep sperm from going where they will. If you don't want fertile eggs, you have to separate the boys from the girls.

You just have to decide, is it easier to build a second coop? Or convince your family fertile eggs are edible? Only you know the answer to that question. (Of course, with only two of them, the second coop doesn't need to be very big.... especially if it's near the telly!)

I don't mean to sound silly, but will being isolated be stressful? I know if you were to isolate say a guinea from the flock they would go crazy.
I just had an idea. If I am going to have to build a coop anyway I could make it big enough for the roosters and a few hens. Then get white egg layers (all my chickens right now are Black Australorps) to put with the roosters. That way I can eat the white shelled and eveyone else eat the brown shelled.
If that works for you, go for it.

I think this idea equates to chicken math, instead of only white egg layers, get some EE's also. That way you get to eat the cool white, blue and or green eggs and the rest of the family gets the boring brown eggs.

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