As soon as spring hit my guys started turning on each other. A couple died, one actually had the whole top of his head pecked out. He's fine other than the top of his head oddly mishaped now. I moved them to a bigger area with lots of fresh grass but they kept at it. They're running loose now and everyone seems happy.
As soon as spring hit my guys started turning on each other. A couple died, one actually had the whole top of his head pecked out. He's fine other than the top of his head oddly mishaped now. I moved them to a bigger area with lots of fresh grass but they kept at it. They're running loose now and everyone seems happy.
That's awful! I'm sorry about your roos. :(
The worst mine have done is drawn blood on the comb. Have you noticed any particular roo that seems more aggressive than the rest?
Hi Everyone, I love this thread. I have two bachelor pens. One for my standard size boys and one for the bantam size boys. They all get along really well. I was surprised at how well they seem to get along. There is a scuffle here and there but for the most part a bunch of boys seems to get on ok.

I had one rooster named dracula that was a bit aggressive with the rest of them. I pulled him out and put him in his own digs for a while. Not too sure what his issue was but at any rate after I removed him from the rooster flock the rest of the boys seemed to relax a bit more.

I want to keep all of my boys. After not having a rooster for so long I really missed them and longed for their morning songs again. My backyard is crowing all the time and I love it. They are such a joy. A lot of people don't like rooster as for me I love them. I appreciate them as a creature and value them for how they balance a flock. I will never have a shortage of roosters again.

Here is my rooster flock. In addition to their coop and pen they have a large outdoor pen to play in. They can see and hear the girls but have no access or contact with them.

Bachelor pen 1.jpg
Hi Everyone, I love this thread. I have two bachelor pens. One for my standard size boys and one for the bantam size boys. They all get along really well. I was surprised at how well they seem to get along. There is a scuffle here and there but for the most part a bunch of boys seems to get on ok.

I had one rooster named dracula that was a bit aggressive with the rest of them. I pulled him out and put him in his own digs for a while. Not too sure what his issue was but at any rate after I removed him from the rooster flock the rest of the boys seemed to relax a bit more.

I want to keep all of my boys. After not having a rooster for so long I really missed them and longed for their morning songs again. My backyard is crowing all the time and I love it. They are such a joy. A lot of people don't like rooster as for me I love them. I appreciate them as a creature and value them for how they balance a flock. I will never have a shortage of roosters again.

Here is my rooster flock. In addition to their coop and pen they have a large outdoor pen to play in. They can see and hear the girls but have no access or contact with them.

View attachment 1800447
Those are some nice roos! How many do you have?

I also have a rooster that doesn't get along with the others. Some just aren't compatible, unfortunately.
Those are some nice roos! How many do you have?

I also have a rooster that doesn't get along with the others. Some just aren't compatible, unfortunately.

hi, thanks! I have a total of 15. In the coop pictured above I have 7. 2 EE, and 5 Polish guys. In my other bachelor pen I have 5 silkie boys and the rest run with the girls in the yard. I have one that does not get along with anyone, he is in his own digs.

I chose my best ones to be with the girls. Not just how they interact with the girls but the boys that I think would be good protectors. I have a few that are pretty shy and would not do much if a hawk came into the yard but scream and run. Several are also my breeding roosters.

I love my boys, I would not want to get rid of any one of them. My boys are here to stay.

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