Hello. I'm new here. I work on a historic farm that is open to the public and help take care of 30+ chickens (we got some new babies and more on the way). One of the roosters, who my friend named Clux, has recently lost his dominance. Over the summer, he used to have a ton of hens following him everywhere and he was nice to me (except he did treat me as a subordinate hen as the months went on), but he has become extremely aggressive this past month. At the time Clux was friendly, we only had three roosters: Clux, a small runt named Nugget, and a fiesty and skittish rooster named Loudmouth. We now have two more grown roosters. Out of all the roosters, Clux is the only one who attacks children, hens, other roosters, and now me (who he is probably fighting because he sees me as either a threat or because he wants my dominance). I liked this rooster and the other worker who owns him wants to keep him and let the other friendly roosters go, but now I'm really scared of Clux. He made me bleed really badly tonight with his spurs (glad I wore my new farm pants instead of shorts). My friend argues that we should keep Clux since "he's the best rooster we have," but wouldn't it make more sense to dispose of Clux and keep the friendly roosters instead? Would getting rid of the nice roosters make Clux friendly again? Is it a good idea to keep this bird at all? I'm afraid to volunteer now because this bird apparently means more than my own and other people's safety
Nobody needs to "convince" your "friend" of anything! It's not his farm, not his bird, not his child or himself getting injured, and not him who can be sued! This "friend" is, frankly, an idiot and you all need to put your grown-up pants on and take charge! Especially the manager! Roosters have blinded children! Don't ask for his permission; he is not concerned about any of you.
I have three 4 ish month old silkie cockerels I raised since chicks. I am seeing teen hormones kick in and one is starting to Peck at people including my daughter (5 yrs old) she even knows this is NOT acceptable behavior from any chicken, he will be going to my daughter house to join her free range flock. Good luck!
If your friend makes no move when he sees another person (you) or especially defenseless children attacked, I would suggest he has some dark psychological issues and you don't want him influencing decisions of this nature. Don't ask--demand. In life you have to put your foot down sometimes, even if it doesn't come naturally to you. You can't allow yourself and others to be injured.
My friend does not own the farm, he's just a worker. I really hope the owner can convince him to get rid of that bird on Tuesday. This is the third incident report we had to fill out because of Clux. My friend has raised poultry a lot longer than I have, but even I wouldn't keep a bird like that around people. If it was a private farm with no kids running around, he would be able to do what he wants, but that is a public place that represents my city. I am aware there are humane ways to tame roosters who act like this, but again, the children won't know how to do that other than me and I don't want anyone to lose an eye. If he were my bird, I would do it one-on-one in private, but that won't happen due to the situation. I hope he will make a nice snack for the predators outside the fence. That guy is huge!
The only humane way of taming an aggressive rooster is the dinner pot!

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