Rooster got his rear plucked by dogs


In the Brooder
Oct 12, 2019
He’s got a bald rear. Thank goodness no other injuries that I can see. He’s eating, drinking, and crowing (but makes a weird gargling sound after some crows, normal?) it’s cold here and I have him in the house in a dog crate. What can I do to allow him to be out with the flock but stay warm? He was shivering when I had him in the shop last night so I brought him in. We even had a lamp on him.
He’s got a bald rear. Thank goodness no other injuries that I can see. He’s eating, drinking, and crowing (but makes a weird gargling sound after some crows, normal?) it’s cold here and I have him in the house in a dog crate. What can I do to allow him to be out with the flock but stay warm? He was shivering when I had him in the shop last night so I brought him in. We even had a lamp on him.
This was supposed to be in injuries and that’s where I posted it but it looks like it went into hatching?
it’s cold here and I have him in the house in a dog crate. What can I do to allow him to be out with the flock but stay warm? He was shivering when I had him in the shop last night so I brought him in. We even had a lamp on him.
Sounds like it could have been shock (which can make it hard to regulate body temperature) or fear/anxiousness causing the shivering with a lamp even.. but sounds like he is already returned to normal behavior. Put him back with his flock.. They'll huddle and he should be okay.. check again tonight for the trembling to see if it's still there.

Also welcome to BYC! :frow

Having had my share of attacks.. yours sounds stressful but possibly minor.. Chickens are hardy creatures hopefully he will recover as quickly as expect he will! :fl

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