Rooster has swollen and bent legs...Do you know what it is?


14 Years
Feb 7, 2007
Hi, I have a fancy rooster who is about 4 mos. old and he has swollen legs and his legs kind of slightly bend almost as if he has knee caps...

This started about a month ago but now he sits in the chicken house on the floor and acts like he isn't feeling well...Does anyone here know what is wrong with him? I'd like to get your opinion before I call our vet.

Thanks so much!


He is a Golden Campine with the biggest brown eyes, sweet personality and beautiful slate gray/blue legs...with the exception of the above ~ Help!
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Wow, i dont know. Its hard to tell without pics. Could be scaley leg mites....bumblefoot....or a vitamin deficiency. Could be just about anything. Hope you get him all better soon!
please read through the following summaries carefully ... I am sorry I do not have a more cut and dried "answer" for you but so many conditions present with the same or very similar symptoms and sometimes it is but a small detail (which you may not have mentioned in your post) that will make the difference...give your bird three drops of POLYVISOL (liquid childrens vitamins) a day for a week (then taper off) and a good general poultry supplement (Avia Charge 2000 is a good one and can be ordered online through McMurry or Strombergs) or one of the Rooster Booster ones... my suspicion is that it is nutritionally related and that this may help (and cant hurt) >what are you feeding your bird?
Leg Weakness
Disorders involving leg weakness are a persistent problem in commercial poultry operations around the world. Leg problems in poultry are associated with many causes including nutrition, genetics, virus infection, environment. The problem is widespread with 2 to 6% of all commercial chickens displaying some sort of problem. Descriptions of the more common problems are given:
Viral arthritis
Also called tenosynovitis. Reovirus infection is considered the main cause of the problem with secondary Staphylococcus aureus infection. The disease is not nutritional in origin but may occur along with malabsorption syndrome. The condition results in severe lameness that reduces ability of the bird to move causing malnutrition and stunting. Swelling of the shanks and hock can be observed as early as 10 days but usually develop at 4 to 6 weeks. The swollen area may be filled with clear or bloody fluid or may be hardened and fibrous.

Femoral head necrosis
This condition is also called "brittle bone disease". It appears to be related to reovirus and adenovirus as these are often isolated from affected flocks. Fusarium contamination of ingredients is often observed. Femoral head necrosis is characterized by a severe weakening or disintegration of the head of the femur such that upon necropsy the bone end is easily broken off between the fingers.

This is caused by infection with Mycoplasma synoviae. The major signs are lameness and swelling of the hock joints with cream colored fluid. Eradication has been successful through blood testing of the breeders. Egg transmission can be reduced by dipping of eggs with antibiotic.

This condition is caused by bacterial infection. S. aureus is the major cause with secondary involvement of E. coli and Pasteurella multocida. Invasion of bacteria after toe trimming or by cuts and scratches produce toxins that prevent cartilage formation. Birds often have a hopping gait and the affected area is swollen and warm to the touch. Biosecurity, good hygiene and treatment with antibiotics will reduce problems if caught in the early stages.

Tibial dyschondroplasia
This abnormality occurs primarily at the growth ends of the tibia where a large amount or "plug" of unvascularized cartilage accumulates. TD does not appear to be related to virus infection. Faster growing flocks on a high plane of nutrition are often affected. Acid-base imbalance, high levels of salt, low calcium and excess nitrogen increase severity of TD (Waldroup, 1986). Fusarium mycotoxins such as fusarochromanone and contamination of corn with Fusarium moniliforme increases the incidence of TD (Cook, 1987). Aflatoxin reduces vitamin D absorption and liver damage prevents conversion to the active 25-OH form of vitamin D3. Experimentally, 1, 25- OH vitamin D3 has ben found to prevent TD. Vitamin C has also been found useful. Although TD occurs in other bones, it is most common at the proximal end of the tibia because of high stress at this point. A higher incidence of breast blisters is usually observed in birds with this condition probably because they are spending more time off their feet.

A direct result of vitamin D deficiency and low or imbalanced calcium or phosphorus nutrition. Bones are decalcified and weakened causing bowing of the legs and other problems. The growth plate is increased in width and birds appear sluggish and are reluctant to walk. The bones and beaks are soft and rubbery. Mycotoxins are often involved.

Also called chondrodystrophy or "slipped tendon". Symptoms include swelling of the hock joint, shortening of the leg bone and gastrocnemius tendon slippage off the condyle. This problem is mostly genetic but may be induced experimentally in diets deficient in one or more of the following nutrients: choline, manganese, zinc, copper, niacin, biotin, pyridoxine, vitamin E, vitamin B12, calcium and phosphorus.

Twisted leg
This very common ailment in broilers is often confused with other problems. One or both legs may be involved. The legs may be bent inward or outward. Litter quality and heat stress seem to play a role. Manganese deficiency worsens the condition whereas high doses of pyridoxine improve the condition (Waldroup, 1986). Dietary tannin from rapeseed meal and high tannin sorghum as well as the high sulfur content in rapeseed and Canola meal interfere with calcium metabolism and increase incidence of this condition (Summers, 1993).

Strategies for reducing incidence of leg problems:
Biosecurity and disease control to eradicate mycoplasma and reduce the indicence of reovirus. (see the section in the article on "Malabsorption Syndrome">what are your birds poos like?)

Monitor and reduce contamination of grains, groundnut meal and corn gluten meal with aflatoxin and Fusarium mold.

Calcium and phosphorus sources should be highly bioavailable. Avoid dolomitic limestone containing more than 3% magnesium as this impairs calcium utilization. Phosphate sources should contain less than 0.25% fluoride and defluorinated rock phosphate should contain between 4 to 6% sodium to ensure solubility of phosphorus. Maintain a 2:1 ratio of calcium to available phosphorus for broilers and pullets and 12:1 ratio for layers.

Ensure adequate available levels of all vitamins and trace minerals. Additional vitamin E (up to 150 ppm), biotin (up to 60 ppm) and supplementation with vitamin C (125 ppm) may be useful.

Avoid excess sodium (above 0.30%) and chloride (above 0.40%) in feed.

Avoid water with sodium above 500 ppm, chloride above 500 ppm, nitrogen (as NO3) above 50 ppm and sulfur (as sulfate) above 1000 ppm (Leeson and Summers, 1991).

Monitor sulfur level in feed. This can be a problem when using high levels of rapeseed and/or Canola meals. Total feed sulfur should be less than 0.5%.

Avoid high levels of tannins. Monitor the use of ingredients such as high tannin sorghum, sunflower meal, Canola and rapeseed meals.

Reduce nutrient density in feed to slow growth when persistent problems occur. Avoid amino acid imbalances and excess protein. Avoid soybean meal with high urease activity (above 0.5 change in pH units). ....."
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