
Feb 20, 2021
Hello everyone, my rooster has been recently aggressive with my 3 hens when it comes to mating. I found out to buy a saddle for them and it's coming in 2 days! But the problem is I'm not sure if it will fit on my leghorn and will my leghorn like it? I know that one of my easter eggers will because she is just very kind and relax haha. But give me thoughts?

Is there any way to separate him from the girls? He may calm down after a while and the girls will love the break.
Hello KelseyBoxer, for the past few weeks I have been separating the hens with him starting at about 5pm (that's when he mates like crazyy) but basically I put a chicken wire fence so that he can stay in there by him-self but he always finds a way to fly out and continues to chase them.
How old are your chickens?

Do you only have these 3 hens for your rooster?

If he is young and a rather active breed, he would need at least 6-10 hens, or else the poor hens will get overmated very soon which can lead to injuries and susceptibility to all kinds of issues.
Hello LaFleche, I have 4 chickens (3 hens and 1 rooster) All of my chickens are 1 year and 1 month old. Yes, I only have 3 hens for my rooster. I don't think he is that young and i'm not sure if his breed is active (he is a Splash Laced Red easter egger rooster)

He looks like the picture below but just more mature looking and older.


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Hello LaFleche, I have 4 chickens (3 hens and 1 rooster) All of my chickens are 1 year and 1 month old. Yes, I only have 3 hens for my rooster. I don't think he is that young and i'm not sure if his breed is active (he is a Splash Laced Red easter egger rooster)

He looks like the picture below but just more mature looking and older.
Very handsome young rooster, that needs more females to spread the love as Easter Eggers like him are very active.
At one year old is this new problem or has he always been 'too' active?

Adding more girls is not always the solution.
The 'rooster' to hen ratio of 1:10 that is often cited is primarily for fertility efficiency in commercial breeding facilities.
It doesn't mean that if a cockbird has 10 hens that he won't abuse or over mate them.
Many breeders keep pairs, trios, quads, etc ....short term and/or long term.
It all depends on the temperaments of the cock and hens and sometimes housing provided.
Backyard flocks can achieve good fertility with a larger ratio.

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