Rooster keeping inquiry


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 9, 2014
Cloverdale, CA
Hi all,
I have a flock of 8 hens and this year I got 9 straight run chicks to expand my flock. I know I have at least two Roosters, one being a polish silkie cross and the other a Maran. I have been reading through other posts about Roosters and have heard things about having more than one rooster based on a "good" pullet to rooster ratio. I'd like to keep both Roosters. So my question is can I keep both roosters? My ratio would be 15 pullets to 2 rooster, I have a 40 bird coop and my fenced area is 100 by 40 (if that matters). If the answer is no to keeping both how many pullets would I need to get to the golden ratio?
Here is a picture of the area
That's a great setup. I keep 2 roos in with 6 hens. If they are raised together you have a better chance of harmony. If later on they don't get on you could always split your run in half by running a fence down the middle . I wouldn't imagine it would be too hard to to put a dividing wall in the coop and have 2 flocks. But generally speaking , you have plenty of room and while there will be a dominant roo , things may well work out.
Honestly it depends on the roos. It's the "shag-beasts" that need so many hens. Not all roosters are that bad though. Some roosters are able to tolerate other roos, some can't. I'd just let them all grow and see how it goes. Perhaps they will all be "fine" after all...

edited to add- the above is a great answer. roosters raised together can turn out well.
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