Rooster Making Gagging Motion - SOS


Jul 25, 2021
Is anyone familiar with this “movement” and how to solve it? It seems like he is trying to remedy the sour crop on his own by "vomiting". I just think about what we (humans) look like when we are gagging or dry heaving and it kind of looks similar. Though I know chickens don't vomit, the movements kind of suggest he might be doing something similar.I’ve spent MANY hours watching chicken videos and reading forums to find a case that’s been similar, but have failed to do so.

He’s on three prescriptions (antibiotics and anti-fungal) and electrolytes to treat sour crop, however even my vet is still unsure if that’s the entire problem… (she’s the only vet within 90 miles that will treat poultry, they just are not her forte, which is understandable.) His crop was squishy and did have the foul smell, so those symptoms are all in line... He’s on the last day (day 5) of his meds, which have seemed to solve most of his symptoms besides this movement…

I have to travel for work in a few days, which means my neighbor will look after them and I was really hoping this would have been sorted out by now. I’m desperate to find a solution. I'm worried about my Roo. =(

Ps. He's a 1.5 year old Silkie name Duke. Thanks for helping him! <3
He looks like he is adjusting his crop. This can be normal but if they do it a lot, there could be an impacted crop. Is your vet familiar with chickens? They can do crop surgery if necessary. Some use feeding tubes inserted into the crop to flush water and try to get the impaction to move on. Since you have started vet care, I would let them know there is still a problem. Here is a good thread to read:
He looks like he is adjusting his crop. This can be normal but if they do it a lot, there could be an impacted crop. Is your vet familiar with chickens? They can do crop surgery if necessary. Some use feeding tubes inserted into the crop to flush water and try to get the impaction to move on. Since you have started vet care, I would let them know there is still a problem. Here is a good thread to read:
Thank you so much! My vet doesn't have a scope, so I will have to drive to the city if the "simple" fixes don't work. What's your definition of a lot? His crop hasn't felt hard - so that's what has been stumping me.. I'm going to try the coconut oil remedy ASAP. :)

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