Rooster of the week!

My lil Sebright roo, Cinder
I have more roos than i can deal with right now myself. i am going to eventually build a roo pad so I can keep all my pretty boys without hurting my girls. as is it'a tenuous balance seee in my bantam coop theres MicroRoo my blind barred rock, Porcy (pronounced porky) my Porcelain d'Uccle, Millifecient my Mille Flure d'Uccle roo. Snowden White Silky Roo. Chewie my mottled Silky roo, Antil varmint got him couple weeks ago Duke my Black Cochin (he was soo handsome) And in the Brooders are an yet to be determined for sure number of Silky Cochin and d'Uccle roos. Then there is the Big Bird house with Roofus, Peteroo, Bill, Bill Jr. Buffy Long legs, and 2 rotten Lace Wyandotte's, Some of the big boys are gonna have to go real soon. They are taking up too much of the coop just for themselves.
This is my Roofus Best Lead roo ever couldn't tolerate near as many boys without him as lead roo.

Here is Snowdy (snowden) He is just too pretty not to share.

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