Rooster of the week!


this is an older picture, but this is my RIR/BR boy. His name is Burt and he’s 21 weeks old
I've wanted to start a thread where we focus on our special little guys. In this thread, you can post pics of your roosters and cockerels of all ages! I will also be posting a link to adoptapets rooster page, and featuring a cool little dude from there, because roosters don't belong in shelter cages! Here is my white leghorn cockerel Tino. He will be turning 16 weeks very soon!View attachment 2302133
Edit:winners will be announced on Saturdays.
This is my 2 year old Frizzle . His name is Cecil. He’s a sweet boy. 🐔
Meet Fluffy. He has fathered a load of chicks this year for the first time, with his harem of different breed wives. I'm so excited to see what they turn out to be. I've never mixed breeds before.



some of his babies:

2 more of his babies playing hide and seek in the tree while their mum looks for them:

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