Rooster severely injured after predator attack

I tried to put electrolytes near his beak with a syringe but no response.
Not "near" his beak, "on" his beak. Place them directly on the side of his beak, along the dividing line of the upper and lower portions. When he opens his mouth to shake off the droplets, they'll go into his mouth, instead. Don't worry too much about food, yet, but he'll need fluids and the electrolytes. You want the box warm, but not hot. The idea is to not tax his system by making it fight to keep his body temperature normal.
And you're right about this forum. The people here are awesome. I've been online in the middle of the night with life-threatening chicken issues, and there's always someone here who knows what they're doing ... and some who just offer up the all-important support and prayers. I guess that's the benefit of having a world-wide network of poultry lovers. It's always 5:00 somewhere ... so there's always someone up and online to help. I LOVE BYC!
So sorry about your beautiful rooster :( Do you know what kind of predators might be near your farm? Our chickens have been attacked by various wildlife and stray dogs, but none ever looked plucked like your poor boy was. Hope your hens have a quick recovery
Sorry that you lost your rooster. I would be very worried that the predator might come back for more chickens. What types of predators do you have in Iceland. Dogs, raccoons, hawks and eagles, feral cats, minks and weasels, and foxes are well known. A game camera could be helpful in catching one. I would look for any tiny openings, even 1 inch, as in chicken wire or a space around a door can be an opening.
What kinds of injuries did the hens have? What kind of struggle indicators were there where you found them? Is there any possibility of him getting into/near a machine at all?
The only animal I know that doesn't leave teeth or claw marks, and would just pull feathers rather than trying to kill, is a human. I'm sorry, but you may need to look at the younger humans in proximity of your home to see if any have scratches or marks on their hands and arms, and you may need to call the authorities. Animal abuse is generally an indicator of deeper psychological problems. I pray that I'm wrong, I'm sorry for your loss.

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