Rooster spur sliced hen


8 Years
Jul 24, 2011
Poor Gertie got her back cut open by a rooster spur. We have lived with bald backs and shoulders but this is a nasty bloody cut.
The damage is under her wing but high up on her back almost 3 inches long.
I guess the rooster slipped off her back or was being overly dominant. I'm afraid he needs to go.
I washed off Gertie and put 3% hydrogen peroxide on the cut. I am keeping her inside so the flies cannot get to her.
I am thinking about using Blu_Kote on the wound. Anyone have any advice?
Gertie is the sweetest little Rhode Island Red but she is just too fragile for an aggressive rooster.
One less rooster and a separate area for the damaged hens to run. relax and grow feathers back. That is my plan but we all amateurs in ChickenVille.
Blu Kote is a good idea, and/or some Vetericyn spray. Poor baby, hope she heals quickly! I would definitely get rid of that boy and give the girl a good long break from any activities ;)
You can also use Neosporin or whatever antibiotic ointment you keep for yourselves. The only caveat is to avoid any cream or ointment that has a "caine" drug in it such as cetacaine or benzocaine. Mostly she just needs the wound kept clean, rest, and protection from flies and other chickens. There is a product sold for horses that keeps flies out of wounds, which people do use on chickens. I think it's called Scat -- something like that. If you put her outside this would be a good idea.

There are several ways of removing spurs if you want to try that -- up to you. Good luck!

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