Rooster started humping my TV remote.šŸ˜±

I only have one rooster, no hens in sight.
I was hoping it would turn out to be a hen but it didn't work out that way.
I knew this day would come, but I didn't know it would come this soon. šŸ˜­
He has been humping my hand and the remote for a few days now.
Luckily for me and the remote,
he wears chicken diapers. šŸ™ŠšŸ™‰šŸ™ˆ
So, what do I do now?
I have no option on getting more poultry,
I shouldn't even have him either.
But I hatched him as an egg
and now I'm in love with him. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°
He is a indoor rooster pet.
I blame Covid 19 boredom
for hatching him out. šŸ˜·šŸ˜·šŸ˜·
I don't know how to add a video so I only have pictures. šŸ˜

To ALL the supporters, haters, lovers, the in-betweeners, the ones that just came for laughs, etc.

I love my rooster Hei Hei. He is the sweetest rooster you could ever ask for.
Yes, he is happy. And I know this for sure, because actions speak louder than words.
His actions show it every day. He is not lonely, yes he may have the urges to mate but he is not lonely. There is other pets like dogs that have humped people or objects and everyone thinks that is cute. We are a very crazy flock together, rooster/cat/human, but just because You may not approve of it or it sounds silly to you, it does not mean it cannot work.
I am very sure that all of you have done stupider or dumber things sometime In your lifetime. Yes, people have all sorts of animals as pets even the kinds that should not be pets, but they make it work and the pets learn to adapt and live that way. We are all animals, we just happen to be the smartest and for that we get to be called humans. We were all created to roam around the earth with the animals, so I guess we are all livestock. It is us humans that have made it the clown show that this world has become now. But I will not get in to that any further.

And with the stories I hear in this website of other animals hurting or killing their chickens, I believe my Hei Hei is in a safer place. Most people donā€™t want roosters in their flock or cannot have them in their area so they eat them or give them away. This rooster have someone that wants him and loves him and is allowed to have him. What about all the animals that they kill every single day just to feed us humans, thatā€™s not cruelty? The egg industry kills millions of roosters a year as soon as they are born just because they will not lay eggs for their business. Go talk to them about cruelty.

Diseases, ha ha, even humans are a health hazard to other humans or to other animals in some homes. Especially now a days. Even the food that we buy to eat is making us sick or killing us. We just had headlines a month or so ago about recalls on food contaminated with Salmonella and those people that got sick or died never even held live chickens.
So sad. This Covid 19 virus is busy killing millions a people, I could be next, I donā€™t see anything wrong with doing something that makes me happy before I die, especially if the rooster is not being hurt in any way or killed. No matter how clean we are or how perfect we think we are, something will get us somehow. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and habits, I have mines. I donā€™t judge you, donā€™t judge me. I only asked for advice. And I thank you all that gave me advice.

I love my rooster, and I have been doing everything I can to accommodate him while living with me. And I mean everything that I have learned, from dust bathing to growing his own patch of grass to scratch on to breeding his own treats like mealworms. I am thinking of sending him back to his parents, but I am just thinking, for now. I do love him, so I guess that would be one way of showing it.

But I am worried about the fact that all he has learned so far, is how to live as a human and maybe a few CAT tricks or how to wear pants. But I think this may back fired on him, I donā€™t know if his life will turn out to be better on the other side. But I guess I will find out, eventually.

Thank you to all of the supporters and the lovers of roosters and even the ones that didnā€™t want to get involved. It sure does mean a lot. Thank you.
Do have space for even just ONE more hen? Possibly? I know I'm stretching it.....
Are you in an apartment or townhouse? Oh realize he is gonna crow at some point
Stop hating on the cockerel lover. He's better off as a house chicken than a fried chicken or fox bait. I have 7 cockerels that I can't keep, and it makes me happy to hear that this boy gets to keep his life. And he's loved.
Thank you.šŸ”

My cat isn't unhappy because she's the only cat in the house. We tried to get her a cat friend and she was actually very upset with that idea.

My dog, is also fine with being the only dog in the house. And she is also fine with the fact that the cat is never going to like her or play with her, but it doesn't stop her from trying.

People keep birds as pets. In cages. I'm sure these birds would be much happier in their natural habitat, which is not what I'm debating.

I'm also positive that if I had raised my dog outside in a kennel from her puppy days until now, she would have not known any different and she wouldn't consider us cruel parents for keeping her outside, because she would have known nothing different. Her parents are outside dogs.

It's a chicken. I support a human's right to keep a chicken however they choose to, as long as it's not being abused. Raising a chicken indoors from hatch is not abuse. The chicken knows nothing else.
Thank you!!! :bow:bow:bow

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