Rooster started humping my TV remote.šŸ˜±

Assuming from what the OP has said, they are living in a condo/apartment.
It's gonna be hard to keep him on the DL when he starts crowing his brains out.
He is not hidden from anyone, who keeps sayin that. My rooster is free to come and go from balcony to all inside my home back and forth. Has been crowing for more then a month now.
We should not argue I agree.
But I beg you, if you love him make him HAPPY.... PLEASE for his own good he is LONELY AND SAD my heart goes out to YOU and HIM but there is a good solution as suggested by many: REHOME.

'house chickens 4 life' is not a good motto in this situation. Please don't hatch again.


A robot hen is expensive and he wants a real girl to love.

I won't say any more, but my sympathy to all.
I hear you, @Sulky Bantam
Thatā€™s true. But, so are the other types of birds people more commonly keep as house pets (like quail and doves).
But, a flighty chicken who is afraid of people could most likely never be happy inside, just like you wouldnā€™t keep a feral cat as a house pet.
I have a chicken that spent a month living in the house. She was content to sit around with us and be spoiled. She liked sitting on our laps. Birds can become very personable if shown a lot of attention.
I have nothing against house chickens infact I had a sick chicken who became my house chicken, but I also think if he is going to the point of humping the remote he's probably lonely. If you can visit him at that farm, it won't be the same, but you can still see him and he wil probably be happier. I am really sad and have all the empathy for you as I have grown to love him online. I hope everything works out, I'll be here :hugs
But who are we to say that he is not happy? He is just going through what nature was supposed to make him go through. He is just testing it out. LOL I believe that is what human male teenager's do, try it out before they use it. I guess. I don't really know. In fact, isn't this website here for us to learn from each other about chickens and to hear other peoples stories?
My seramas are part indoor but they are outside most days and there are 2 of them.
Ok, so same with Hei Hei, he is in and out all they long from the balcony that has his patch of grass that I grew for him and his dust bath and my plants that he loves to destroy LOL and all around my home back and forth. At least he is getting some type of free range.
Ok, so same with Hei Hei, he is in and out all they long from the balcony that has his patch of grass that I grew for him and his dust bath and my plants that he loves to destroy LOL and all around my home back and forth. At least he is getting some type of free range.
You even made him a dust bath!! That is so awesome!

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