Rooster Tail Bleeding & Feathers missing, hens won't stop pecking at it, How can I get him to heal?

I had a chicken that was getting bullied constantly to the point of serious injury so what we did was get her better, then we took the alpha of the flock and separated her for about 3 days, when she returned the flock was forced to re establish the pecking order but this time, my bullied chicken was included. You could try that.
We have 5 older hens roughly 2 years old & 10 younger hens 6 months old. 2 weeks ago, we decided to re-home 2 of our roosters that were very aggressive toward us or the hens. We kept just this one. The younger hens seem very aggressive almost like bullies toward the older hens. 5 nights ago, I found my only rooster bleeding from his tail & some of his tail feathers missing. I removed him from the coop, put him on antibiotics mixed in his water, & coated his wounds with nystatin cream. After a few days, he stopped bleeding & scabbed over so I allowed him to free range with the hens today. This evening I found him bleeding worse & more tail feathers missing. The color in his comb, beard & face is not as bright red as usual. The hens wouldn't stop chasing him around & pecking the area. He is now completely separated from the hens with antibiotics in his water & coated with nystatin cream, that'sthe yucky stuff you see in the pic on his wounds. What else can I do to promote healing? Is there a better cream or spray I can use? How long should I keep him separated to avoid anymore picking from the ladies. Any help would be appreciated! This guy, Storm, has had a bad year. In March, he was attacked by a coyote & had 2 broken legs. I rehabilitated him & got him healed & walking again. I really don't want to loose him! I have alot invested in him & he's my only rooster now. I just don't understand what even caused this unless the aggressive hens got stressed when we re-homed the other 2 roosters, so they decided to harass him. Not sure what to do now to get him healed & avoid this issue again once he returns to the coop.
He was low man on the totem pole and has no authority with the hens, throw in the coyote attack and the rooster has zero confidence and is broke down. I’d be surprised if you’ll be able to keep them from messing with him.
If I were you I’d skip all the overpriced sprays and use pine tar. As soon as the hens peck it they’ll stop. You can also put pinless peepers on all the hens you see messing with him too.
You don't want to put pine tar on an open wound though, good idea for after the wound heals. I do think the sprays are worth it though, for they will be very handy in the future the you have more chicken injuries.
I’ve used pine tar on plenty of birds with open wounds. Zero problems. They didn’t always sell $25 tiny bottles of magic spray. Don’t let me stop anyone from buying that stuff though. Lol

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