Rooster with a stabbing issue!!!!

Beaky Buzzard

9 Years
Jan 30, 2010
playing piano and singing
My rooster has the habit of attacking my dad and most other men. He poked a pretty deep hole in dads leg. My other banny rooster poked a hole in my Grandmas leg. I REALLY need a painless way to remove spurs. Any advice???
I don't know about spur removal, but it sounds like your rooster needs to be shown who's the boss! There's a lot of ways to make roosters more submissive (some people will straight up fight them), but the way I learned from the person who I got my chickens from is catch the rooster and hold him under your arm. She pets him under his neck (like a lady chicken would) to calm him down, then gently pushes his head down and holds it down for about a minute. If he keeps his head down, he's accepting your (or your dad's) dominance. If he doesn't push his head down again until he does. Some people will also walk around in front of the flock holding the rooster, showing the whole flock he's not the alpha rooster. Just wound his pride a little.
Theres some links to videos on here about de-spurring. I prefer the hot potato method....looks pain free for the rooster, Im going to try this on my roo once his grow in. My roo is still young and has only tried to challange the dog, I show my dominance over him while he was attacking the dog by speaking to him and poking him.
A friend of mine got spurred in the calf last year and ended up in the hospital with a bad infection. Their roosters are spurless now. He takes pliers and twists them right off.
Here's a link:

I would get rid of the roos if they are so aggressive. A human aggressive roo is a serious liability.

Good luck.
The "freezer method" is out of the question.We talked about getting rid of him, but he is so good about watching over the hens. He attacked a cat once who was after Chickory,(who is a completely deaf hen)He was the first chicken I got and Im very attached to him.

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