Rooster with full crop but watery stool


Aug 8, 2021
I have one 4½ year old rooster who lost his companion 40 days ago.
In the past week he started having respiratory issues such as wheezing coughing sneezing etc. He also stopped having appetite.
I went to the vet 5 days ago and they gave me ibugesic and vitamin supplements.
I thought it was going well but since yesterday his stool became extremely watery like whitish with little green spots and i just noticed that his crop was full.
I have currently put him to sleep and hope his crop empties by tomorrow.
(One more thing to notice is that his comb color has darkened and almost very shriveled. He was extremely energetic and responsive but he doesn't respond to me as well) PLEASE HELP @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive
If your ibugesic has paracetamol on the label, I would stop that, since acetaminophen is contraindicated in chickens. He sounds like he has a respiratory disease, and an antibiotic such as Tylan (tylosin) might be needed. Have you wormed him recently? Check his crop early each morning to make sure that it is emptying overnight. If it does not empty by morning, you can try some small pieces sof chilled coconut oil given to him to peck, and massage his crop several times daily. Make sure that you have plenty of ventilation inside your coop and run. 4.5 years is fairly old for a rooster.
If your ibugesic has paracetamol on the label, I would stop that, since acetaminophen is contraindicated in chickens. He sounds like he has a respiratory disease, and an antibiotic such as Tylan (tylosin) might be needed. Have you wormed him recently? Check his crop early each morning to make sure that it is emptying overnight. If it does not empty by morning, you can try some small pieces sof chilled coconut oil given to him to peck, and massage his crop several times daily. Make sure that you have plenty of ventilation inside your coop and run. 4.5 years is fairly old for a rooster.
Thank you ill try to find tylan if its available. Yes he has respiratory issues which made take him to vet because his breathing was very groggy and he used to cough or sneeze a lot. His croaking voice has almost completely changed. He just looks a bit lethargic im just hoping he gets well tomorrow.
I might check his crop and give him some vitamins before i sleep
Okay. There seem to be several types of ibugesic, each containing other ingredients. Ibuprofen is the main ingredient. Tylan 50 injectable, which is used orally in chickens, is found in some feed stores. The generic form tylosin powder, can be found at online.
The ibugesic im giving does not contain paracetamol
I'm sorry he's not well.

Do you have any photos of him?

Good advice from @Eggcessive only thing I will add, is do check to make sure his crop is emptying and take a look inside his beak for any lesions or canker.

Keep us posted on how he gets along.
I will take picture of him tomorrow morning.
I have often checked for cankers and he has none but i will check it anyways.
Im hoping this crop may empty by really hurts to see him being lethargic :(
I woke up today and found his crop emptied almost half but his butt was extremely in a bad situation as u can see. I let him be outside in the balcony to let him peck some greens but he just sat there for the whole time and didn't ate anything.
My vet whom i went to 5 days ago told me to handfeed him some warm oatmeal if he doesn't eat his feed so i fed him that so that i could give him some multi vitamins as it is the only medicine besides ibugesic i have at the moment.
I'll try to find tylan 50 and hopefully get it soon.i feel like my rooster is extremely depressed because of the loss of his companion he never got sick a lot. I just hope he gets well soon.


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I'm sorry he's not well.

Do you have any photos of him?

Good advice from @Eggcessive only thing I will add, is do check to make sure his crop is emptying and take a look inside his beak for any lesions or canker.

Keep us posted on how he gets along.
This is his stool and his body pic is in the above reply. My dad washed his butt with some baby soap and warm water is it okay to do?


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