Rooster with infected Eye (WARNING Graphic Picture)

I was planning on calling the one vet I know who works with farm animals, but those are horses. Chickens aren't exactly treated much here as it would be too expensive for their purpose. Closest avian vet is 1 1/2 hours away :/
Pus in birds is a hard cheesy like substance,not liquidy as in other mammals. Often it requires a surgical opening,cleaned out and flushed.
I'm having a similar problem with a little bantam hen. Her eye itself isn't infected but she has a hard blister almost like a big boil or pimple between her eye and her beak. It has gotten quite big about the size of a bean now and her eye is closed because of the swelling.. We saw a video of how to get the junk out by pushing it back toward the eye and out of the eyelid. Also that this is actually a parasite that gets into the eyelid...don't know if either of these is correct. Anyway when we tried to push it out tonight a whole lot of nasty pus stuff came out her beak. Like it was all in her sinus passages. It's a little smaller but still full of junk. My question is can this be opened from the out side with a scalpel making a small incision and cleaning it out and flushing with optical saline like you use for contacts. (just saline not contact cleaner). I haven't found a chicken vet anywhere around me as yet. I know this has got to be painful and she can't see out of her bad eye at all. The eyeball looks fine back in there just pushed back because of the big lump. Thanks for any help or links to fix this. Magpie
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Just get some tweezers and start picking the pieces out. I can assure you that the yellow cheese stuff is pus, not flesh.
Tweezers is what I used to get the little out that I did. I'm just going to ahve to keep working at it. Hopefully the Neosporin sitting on it all the time will help loosen it up. Not going to lie, I got a little faint last night when I started really digging in. Guess being a doctor was never in my future. :)
Guess I'm sick and twisted, lol, I've always liked popping pimples, lancing abscesses, watching vets sew up horrific wounds on horses, etc. Just keep at it! Maybe look at some sinus cavity pictures to get an idea of where the pus might be hiding.

Guess I'm sick and twisted, lol, I've always liked popping pimples, lancing abscesses, watching vets sew up horrific wounds on horses, etc. Just keep at it! Maybe look at some sinus cavity pictures to get an idea of where the pus might be hiding.

I wish you were my neighbor right now!
Ya, I'm not lancing anything. :) It's going to take me a bit get over that website! I can't even do injections, I'm such a wuss. I'll just keep cleaning and fussing with his eye in hopes that it will at the very least kill the infection and maybe by the grace of God heal up.
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The infection can make them feel really sick, so if you don't get it all out there is a very good chane he will die from dehydration and starvation. Antibiotics alone aren't gonna do the job.


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