Rooster with multiple sores on face

He said he could try cleaning it out but he doesn't think it'll help. He cleaned the other side, packed it with antibiotic and it came back. He wants to leave it for now, keep it clean with betadine, keep him on the high dose of baytril with the occasional amikacin and see how he is in a few days. One of the sores pushed out the cheesy pus on its own after the scab lifted and it's healing. It's that hole that goes straight from his cheek to his sinus that's the other issue.
This hen looked a lot like your rooster. I'm wondering why your vet hasn't suggested culture and sensitivity testing.
The drugs used have been for gram positive, gram negative, penicillin resistant, and fungal. His experience has told him not to bother with the cultures. I can ask again. He's a UC Davis guy.

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