Rooster with multiple sores on face

@Wyorp Rock, was cancer the cause of that one?
Kathy, I don't know!!
Maybe Kiki will remember. I quickly scanned the thread, but still couldn't tell if there was ever an official "diagnosis". Showed some improvement with Baytril and Antifungals but whatever that was the medications still did not help clear it up.

I had just sort of assumed it was cancer since all the treatments she tried really were not that effective. The thread spanned 3 months or so and the first post the OP said she had been dealing with it around 10 months, so treatment was for a long period of time.
If cost is an issue, which it would be for me, you could call the UC Davis lab in San Bernadino and figure out what they need to test for MRSA and to do culture and sensitivity testing. Total cost through them would probably be less than $50. They will email the results to you and your vet, the the vet could prescribe the proper medications. They might also be willing to check a tissue sample for cancer.
I've been waiting to update after I know more. I'm seeing MINOR improvement but it's not consistent enough or dramatic enough to change his prognosis. Here's where we are:

He's holding weight between 1.36 and 1.38kgs. He's been on a high dose of baytril (22.7mg/2x/day) for a little over a week and went from looking like The End to looking like he might have a future but with hole by his beak and an awful looking face. Fingers crossed. The small sores have dried up and the bigger ones are getting smaller. The big one at his sinus is still awful. The scab from the round sore on his right side fell off this morning, revealing healthy looking scar tissue. My heart skipped a beat.

His behavior is good and overall health seems good. He's a trooper. My roommate sent me this picture just a moment ago (I'm away from home). Yes, he's on the back of the couch snuggled up with his faverolles girlfriend.

Derpy has made it to 2019! Happy new year everyone. It was a bit too brisk for him this morning so after a few hours outside he crashed out asleep on me in the house. More scabs are GONE with healed tissue underneath. He's still got good attitude and energy. Here's hoping. The major site at the beak is still bad and showing lots of yellow now. Fingers crossed his body pushes out the pus like it did the other sores.

The big pus areas are chunking out from his face. Gross, and I was hoping it would happen but still wasn't ready for how bad he'd look.

Still on 22.7mg baytril 2x daily. He's weighing in at 1.36kg. That's a lot of baytril for a little bird. I'll have to find the article about toxicity being at a hugely high dose for birds.

Fingers crossed for scar tissue underneath. I don't see the big hole going into his orbital sinus anymore. If that's healed over he might be past the worst of it.

Blue arrows pointing toward the areas where he had sores a week ago that are now GONE!


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