Roosters are fighting. Help!


Jun 27, 2018
A little background:
We have 2 roosters who we've had since they were chicks. They are about 7-8 months old. Out of nowhere, they started fighting today. It wasnt anything too severe, but they both had blood on their faces. It seems that our welsummer has surrendered to our wyandotte (the welsummer was in charge, so this surprised us). We've been keeping an eye on them all day and the wyandotte is not letting the welsummer even come out to eat or drink. The welsummer has been under the chicken coop most of the day and everytime he tries to come out, he gets attacked. We locked up the wyandotte in a dog kennel at roosting time. Is there any hope they will get along or do we need to pick our favorite one?
I haven’t ever tried to house our boys together. They each have their own coops and flock of girls.

My guess would be that once they start fighting like that it isn’t going to stop or get better. I am sure more experienced chicken owners will chime in. If it were me I would keep my favorite and get rid of the other. Or put one of them in a separate coop.
You have two choices. You can pen one rooster with a pen of your choice that has a solid bottom so they can't see to fight. Here is one of my pens. I put triple ground mulch in it so when it rains the pen stays dry. My feed and water jump board let's me handle the rooster better and keep water easy for me to clean out every day or two.
I ended up with two boys. I seperated them right when they started challenging each other. That was at about 5 months. They were raised together. Early on the leghorn took the lead and got them into the coop and watched over them, but then it switched and the Silver Lace stepped up. I chose to kerp the silvef lace with the girls, because he has never over mated them or been rough with them. He is bigger and they can and will get away from him. The leghorn got hormonal first and was smaller, he could get everywhere the girls went. I did keep him, he is living in the house for now and I will make him his own area. I may get him his own girls eventually or I may decide to let some hatch and put a couple boys with him and no girls.
Sorry i can't help. I will be watching as i just picked up 2 brother roosters yesterday. They are getting along fine as they are housed together in the same coop for now. Roughly 6-7 months old will be interesting how they are together when introduced to the rest of the flock. My inexperienced guess would be yours have gotten to the age that its time for only one to rule the roost. I personally would give it a few days and if it doesn't get any better pick your favorite and have a post chicken Thanksgiving dinner with the other. I think sometimes it may work out with two roosters and other times it won't i guess it depends on the roosters. Like i said i will be watching your post please keep us posted as i would like to know how you make out.
Why would you do that?

Why would I do what? Hatch or put boys together?

If I decide to let chicks hatch down the road, I will need a place for any boys that may hatch. It's impossible to find homes for them and I refuse to let them become dinner because they are boys. So if I plan on baby chicks, I also need a plan on where they will live. I feel that is the responsible thing to do.
Why would I do what? Hatch or put boys together?

If I decide to let chicks hatch down the road, I will need a place for any boys that may hatch. It's impossible to find homes for them and I refuse to let them become dinner because they are boys. So if I plan on baby chicks, I also need a plan on where they will live. I feel that is the responsible thing to do.
What i am asking is. If you have a rooster that is fighting and you hatch chicks which some may be males why would you put them in with him? Or are you saying if the new ones don't fight with the old one you will leave them together?
What i am asking is. If you have a rooster that is fighting and you hatch chicks which some may be males why would you put them in with him? Or are you saying if the new ones don't fight with the old one you will leave them together?

it could go either way. They challenged each other and got into one physical altercation once before I seperated them. They are both good roosters. I could them with dad, but girls would be present and I don't feel the area would be big enough to support multiple boys. I like the idea of a boy flock. At the end of their time together the leghorn(in the house) would have rather not fight. He would avoid the other one and for the most part he would walk away instead of engage. It was the one that is with the girls that did the challenging, but he is very good with the girls. My gut tells me the leghorn would take the boys under his wing.

I may have gotten away with keeping them together but I did not want anyone hurt. The one altercation was enough. They were both leaving that day after the fight, but the rescue was full so I had to decide quickly what I was going to do.

The good ole


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