Roosters in town and sex links

Here's another question..
People that live in town that buy those little chinsey coop kits and that can't own roosters can only own like what 4 birds max?
So why go to the farm store and buy 8 straight run chicks hoping to get 4 hens and get 8 roosters?
Isn't that kinda dumb?
Why not just go buy 4 pullets old enough to gender for a extra price?
There not buying that many chickens in the first place.
What's the big deal to pay a little more?
I agree. Although, I must say that in buying sexed pullet chicks (EDT: I'm emphasising chicks. Wasn't buying older birds; those really add up if you want more than three), I've never had a male crop up out of the bunch. Not that I buy chicks (shipped or feed store) that often--I'd say maybe fifty-sixty, counting when i was a kid and my parents were doing the buying.

EDT: I also understand why someone might want to buy chicks. Less chance of disease, and there's a lot more selection. Besides, people who are raising them to be pets probably want friendly chicks, and pullets raised by a hatchery or a local farm generally are not.

Also, sexing is differentiating one sex from another. Gendering is associating a sex with a thing (or person or animal.) A chicken is sexed, a plastic baby doll is gendered. (Sorry, I know that this is semantics. But it's bothering me.)
Ummm, because not everyone likes those breeds. If you’re so loving of auto sexing breeds, then you get them for yourself and let others get the breeds that they want. Everyone has their preferences, and they DEFINITELY don’t have to listen to the breeds YOU think they should get. :idunno So what if they post an ad for a rooster? It’s not your problem.
Ummm, because not everyone likes those breeds. If you’re so loving of auto sexing breeds, then you get them for yourself and let others get the breeds that they want. Everyone has their preferences, and they DEFINITELY don’t have to listen to the breeds YOU think they should get. :idunno So what if they post an ad for a rooster? It’s not your problem.
The other suggestion was getting POL pullets, so that they're 100% female.
Me, actually. :D I love silkies.
Ummm, because not everyone likes those breeds. If you’re so loving of auto sexing breeds, then you get them for yourself and let others get the breeds that they want. Everyone has their preferences, and they DEFINITELY don’t have to listen to the breeds YOU think they should get. :idunno So what if they post an ad for a rooster? It’s not your problem.
Because I'm tired of seeing those and ads and think it's stupid thats why..
If you don't like my thread here why did you even reply.
This is my opinion and I even put in my very first post that this is my opinion.
Because I'm tired of seeing those and ads and think it's stupid thats why..
If you don't like my thread here why did you even reply.
This is my opinion and I even put in my very first post that this is my opinion.
I can 100% tell that this thread is based on what you think and your opinion, don’t worry about that sweetheart ;)

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