Roosters in town and sex links

Deathlayer chicks are advertised for $45.US or more. Their so prolific a layer I'd love to see them become popular here. I loved one comment I saw about where the name came from. They lay an egg a day til the day they die. Medium white eggs. I do hope they are revived since it says they came very close to dying out for lack of interest and I think their beautiful.
Deathlayer chicks are advertised for $45.US or more. Their so prolific a layer I'd love to see them become popular here. I loved one comment I saw about where the name came from. They lay an egg a day til the day they die. Medium white eggs. I do hope they are revived since it says they came very close to dying out for lack of interest and I think their beautiful.
Well if they are such good layers then doesn't the commercial egg industry use them?
Good question. I have no idea. Perhaps they didn't take well to confinement? One of the requirements for commercial chicken farming is the ability to remain in brutally tight cages for their entire lives. These birds are mentioned as good foragers who do well in the pasture.
My question is if someone lives in a town that doesn't allow roosters than why would they get one in the first place?
Why not get a color sex link like a ISA Brown, Black sex link, cream crested leg bar, barred rock etc?

You said it yourself. Many people don't like sex links, and people shouldn't have to/won't limit themselves on the types of chickens they can have because they might end up with some roosters.

You can prevent getting baby roosters by going directly to the hatchery/farm store(don't special order)and hand picking the color sex links yourself.

I'd venture to say that the majority of people don't live anywhere near enough to a hatchery to do this, and as previously stated, many wouldn't take sex links from a farm store or anywhere else.

Or better yet if your gonna get a non auto sexing breed buy them at a age old enough to gender?
Good luck finding all the breeds out there as started pullets. And even if you could, transporting them all to your home would be a huge ordeal. Plus you're risking a ton of diseases entering your property by bringing older birds from so many different sources. I would never bring anything but chicks onto my property. Besides, nobody is going to bother with finding, transporting and risking disease when they can just buy chicks. Plus, it's important to a lot of people to raise their birds from chicks so they form stronger bonds with them, and know how they've been raised/fed/etc from day 1.
I know... I know...
"My favorite breed isn't a sex link"

I still don't think its a good idea to buy straight run non-sex link chicks if you can't have roosters.
That's a waste of time. Then there's the drama/hardship of finding the roosters a new home.

It's really not that difficult to find homes for roosters. And it's not at all a waste of time if you get the hens you wanted (which you will eventually. Might have to go through 20 roosters, but you'll get there).

I think the reason I have such strong feelings on the issue is my Mom would go down to the farm store and get straight run chicks(non auto-sexing)and then we would end with 10 roosters and living in town the neighbors would complain.

It was embarrassing for me. My friends picked on me over it.

We were the original reason a ordinance was made against roosters in my home town.
Yeah, I definitely think you're getting really triggered over this. Sounds like you needed better "friends".

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