Roosters mounting rooster?

Poor guy :(. Are they in bachelor coop type set up? If you have a coop with hens he may do better in a more mellow setting.

It's a bachelor set up. They are mostly for meat. We were planning on keeping him because he is so nice. So I could try moving him to the real coop. But since the sitting does seem like an odd behavior (that didn't even dawn on me until on here), I don't want to put him in there until I am sure he is ok.
His behavior is abnormal and I would not consider keeping him. He'd be the first to cull. Ill birds are often seen as friendly and docile, when in reality they're simply passive from being ill.

The other roosters mounting him ins't to abnormal in and of itself, but that often and his complete submission is odd. I'm thinking they sense there's something wrong with him.
I recently got 7 roosters from someone who was getting rid of the extras. One of the roosters keeps getting mounted. I know that roosters can do this to show dominance, but it is the sweetest one. It does spend a lot of time laying down and doesn't act like the other boys, but it doesn't look like a hen. They are about 4-5 months old and are hatch mates.

I sat out with them for an hour today and it was mounted by 2 different roosters, and they will all stand over top of this one while it lays in the grass. It looks like they are guarding it.

Any suggestions?
Sometimes roosters get confused when they reach mating age.
I separated him and everyone seems happier. There is just chicken wire between him and his brothers so he can see them but they can't reach him. After separating, most weird behavior has stopped.

It was just very weird because everyone did get along until yesterday. Then everyone kept mounting him and fighting each other. Now he is walking around and dust bathing. And his brothers stopped fighting.
I separated him and everyone seems happier. There is just chicken wire between him and his brothers so he can see them but they can't reach him. After separating, most weird behavior has stopped.

It was just very weird because everyone did get along until yesterday. Then everyone kept mounting him and fighting each other. Now he is walking around and dust bathing. And his brothers stopped fighting.

Are you sure he's not a hen? The other roosters seem to be acting like he is. Glad you were able to solve the fighting and mounting problem.
Are you sure he's not a hen? The other roosters seem to be acting like he is. Glad you were able to solve the fighting and mounting problem.

I am starting to be not sure. He looks like a rooster. Seems to have hackle and saddle feathers. But my husband thinks it acts like a hen. And the other roosters seem to think so too.

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