Roosters mounting rooster?

So they probably haven't started crowing yet to know for sure, have they?

A few of them crow. The leader crows all the time. But I have never seen this one crow. Maybe it is a hen. It looks too pretty to be one though.

Here is a closer picture.
A few of them crow. The leader crows all the time. But I have never seen this one crow. Maybe it is a hen. It looks too pretty to be one though.

Here is a closer picture.

Well I'm not good at guessing genders at all. I posted pictures of my chicken that I thought was a rooster and people are saying he looks like a hen. So I really don't know what yours is. Kind of looks like a roo. Maybe he's a late bloomer. Sometimes they don't crow until their 6 months old.
It's a cockerel. Subordinate males often will not crow. They avoid the attention (aka butt whooping) of the more dominant males that way.
Well I'm not good at guessing genders at all. I posted pictures of my chicken that I thought was a rooster and people are saying he looks like a hen. So I really don't know what yours is. Kind of looks like a roo. Maybe he's a late bloomer. Sometimes they don't crow until their 6 months old.

We have our answer "he" layed an egg. On closer inspection of the neck feathers, they are not thin, they are stripped. But it still looks like a rooster to me. It acts like a hen though and lays eggs.
I'm not blushing, I'm highly skeptical. I'd have to see a video of the egg coming out of that bird to believe it laid an egg, sorry. 

You are allowed to be sceptical because you didn't see it. I know it did it because I had it quarantined while I figured out what to do with it because I thought it was a sick rooster. Because it didn't act like a rooster. But I don't feel like calling it a hen either because it doesn't look right. Hermaphroditic seems possible, even though I know that's rare.
Well goes to show that the chickens know better than we do

They must. It had me completely convinced. I was trying to figure out what to do with it because I was thinking something was wrong with it and we shouldn't eat it.

When I put it near my true flock (not the bachelor pad), my 3 year old rooster started dancing for it and offering treats. Maybe I should ask him from now on
I can't wonder how many of the previous posters are blushing right now? :lau  

None of them should be blushing, it should be me. My question said it was a rooster. It had me so convinced that it was in the bachelor pen. And then quarantined for not acting like a rooster.

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