Rooster's purpose

This is absolutely my favorite part of having a rooster. It is so cute to see them hanging out together. My rooster's girlfriend gets very jealous when he mates with the other ladies, lol, which is equally entertaining to watch
During a dog attack we watched my rooster run back and forth in front of the dogs, drawing their attention away from the hens who were scurrying to hide. It was pretty amazing to watch.
My roo also serves as guardian of my mostly blind hen, Lil'Bit. She is never more than a foot away from him anymore and he shows extraordinary patience with her. At treat time, when he's beak-feeding the hens, he holds perfectly still as Lil'Bit repeated pecks him in the face while trying to zero in on the treat. If any of the other hens continuously pecked him in the face he would reprimand her, but I have never once seen him reprimand Lil'Bit.
The roo stays...even if he does have an issue with my pink flip-flops.

Got video of that?

No, but I need to get one. Usually I just throw one of the flip flops his way and let him beat the snot out of it while I go about tending the feeders and waterers.
I also need to get a video of Thor running one of these days. He's knock-kneed and every time I see him run I can't help but think of Forrest Gump. Run Thor Run!

Got video of that?

No, but I need to get one. Usually I just throw one of the flip flops his way and let him beat the snot out of it while I go about tending the feeders and waterers.
I also need to get a video of Thor running one of these days. He's knock-kneed and every time I see him run I can't help but think of Forrest Gump. Run Thor Run!

Let me know when you get the video!

And poor Thor, being picked on by his mommy. He's gonna get even with your pink flip flops for that!
I had a little white bantam roo given to me years ago when I had RIR hens who had never been with a roo, ever. He loved them instantly. They hated him instantly. And he hated me instantly. I lived in the bush hippy-style then, and had a pair of knee-high wooly striped purple and blue toe socks which I would wear with the proverbial hippy Birkenstck sandals. I didn't realize that it was the socks that was setting him off, but he'd see me and the fight was on. He'd leap at me with his spurs and send me screaming and flailing back to my cabin. One day I had my knee high gum boots on over those socks and he completely ignored me, so the coin dropped and I had an AHA moment. I pulled my foot out of my boot to show him my sock and BANG the fight was on. Put my boot back on and he stopped and looked confused, took off my boot again, slipped it back on, etc etc.

Yup I had too much time on my hands, playing mind games with a rooster.
Your pink flip flops reminded of that story.
I'm still snickering remembering that. HMMM ... still too much time on my hands, maybe.

It's funny what will set a rooster off. The only other thing that bothers Thor is when I wear a pair of jade green leggings with a BRIGHT tye-dye shirt (I usually resort to this combination on laundry day
). Thor hates it. He doesn't try to attack, but he gives the alarm call and gets all the hens to run with him to the other side of the orchard.
If your sweet roo suddenly freaks on you, look at yourself. Are you moving around differently? Are you wearing something he's not used to? Funny little creatures, roo's are.
Good info about roosters! I have a RIR roo that is just over 3 months old, so he isn't acting real 'roo ish' yet, but I had said if he started flogging me he was gonna go! Now I will check first to see if what I'm wearing may be what's setting him off (if he ever does get mean). Thanks for the info about roosters!

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