Roosting Poles?

Mine are not roosting on their own yet. They are about 3 months old. Should I build a ladder from the lower roost to the high? Also we are using 2x2s. Should they b bigger?
I'm subscribing because I have the exact same questions you do. I also have 2"x2"'s in there now with 7 week olds. They obviously aren't roosting yet, but they do like to hang out on them sometimes. After reading this thread I'm thinking about swapping them out for 2" x 4"s. I also have 1 higher than the other. Should they be the same height??
This may be a foolish question, but...  For those of you using limbs/branches, how are you attaching them to your coop? I'm planning on doing a combination of 2x4s and branches, but I'm not sure the best way to go about attaching everything.

I hung one from the rafters with galvanized pipe hangers (I think they were from the plumbing section?). The other has a couple pieces of scrap 2x2 screwed to the wall in a V and the roost just drops into the V -- held in place by gravity.

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