Roosting Poles?

This may be a foolish question, but... For those of you using limbs/branches, how are you attaching them to your coop? I'm planning on doing a combination of 2x4s and branches, but I'm not sure the best way to go about attaching everything.
We are also wondering how to attach roosts so that they are safe. Also, does anyone know what kind of roosts would be best for Black Australorps, Cherry Eggers and Plymouth Rocks? We ordered 5 of each, (and the extra one they sent us survived also, a Plymouth Rock). :) They are 1,5 month old and going out to the coop next week. Woods surround our house so we have enough branches to choose from, but which and how thick for our type of hens?
The carpet idea sounds good, is it safe?
Thank you :)
I use 2X4s wide side up for roost bars. One thing I would highly recommend is to make the roosts easily removable. It helps as far as cleaning them, and the rest of the coop with them out of the way. You can fit the boards over dowels, or make slots for the boards to fit in. See pg4 of the link below to check out the removable roost boards in my coop.

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