Rouen Duck thread


Ornamental Duck - Colored like a Mallard
Too Larger to Migrate
Larger Compared to Mallard and still tastes like duck

Not a prolific layer

IDK, I'm new to this, but it seems people are easily ignored in this thread. What are you looking for?

This is our first time with ducks! We are excited. We also have 8 chickens! :)

Ornamental Duck - Colored like a Mallard
Too Larger to Migrate
Larger Compared to Mallard and still tastes like duck

Not a prolific layer

IDK, I'm new to this, but it seems people are easily ignored in this thread. What are you looking for?

This thread is not as active is all. I said they are huge in an ovation... My Rouens are big birds

Other than that they are gentle, docile and very pretty in color. They are good seasonal egg layers but wont brood often.
I have been doing ouens for 8 years and here what i know-

they are docile when they live in the best condiions, the females can be loud at times and other times really quiet, they are good camoflage if during the day something comes bye while they are free ranging, they can be kind of skittish, but also are intellegent enough to avoid predators by getting in the pond ( in my case ) , over all good ducks good brooders and lay a plentiful amount of eggs seasonally.

Ornamental Duck - Colored like a Mallard
Too Larger to Migrate
Larger Compared to Mallard and still tastes like duck

Not a prolific layer

IDK, I'm new to this, but it seems people are easily ignored in this thread. What are you looking for?

Thank you! I am looking for a good pet duck and eggs would be a bonus! And quite!
My rouen male Rodger still has some baby feathers in his green head ;-) and he has pink spots on his feet. Thats why I kept him as a breeder, I could tell him apart from the other males :)
I'm excited to see them grow, eventually they'll free range and have access to the pond/marsh. With 2 males, 2 females, should we take a drake this fall for supper or is that a good number? My wife hopes that we won't have to butcher them, but Duck is good. Their use to be a really good Spicy Peanut Chicken with Rice box meal where you just add meat that went really good with duck but I haven't seen it in a couple years.
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