Rouen Duck thread

Glad i found this thread. I bought 3 ducks at the local feed 12 weeks ago. I was told they were Ruoens. I thought the duck with the yellower bill was male and the 2 with olive bills were female. I also thought they couldn't fly. Well, it appears they can. The smaller (supposedly male) has flown out of the yard a couple of times now. He comes right back. I guess, because his buddies are here. I also read that the drake didn't quack. This guy does and the other 2 (supposed to be female) don't. The quiet ones are figuring out how to fly also but they don't get near the height of the other one...So I guess I have 3 Mallards, 1 female and 2 males. Or have have 3 very confused ducks.I will try to add a pic to this post. Maybe someone can tell me one way or the other.
Looks like mallards. The 2 with the olive bills are boys and the other is a girl. You can clip their wings to keep them in your yard. :)
thanks for the info. You just confirmed what I had finally figured out. I doubt I could catch them to clip their wings without traumatizing them. When I handled them as babies, they would fight so hard the entire time i was holding them and the other 2 still in the box would freak out so bad I finally quit trying. They never got calmer. Tried for about 2 weeks then gave up. I read that if they had a steady food source they would stick around. Don't actually believe that. Not sure what I'll do.At least I know what I have to deal with now.
If I were you I would just let them chose what they do and if they fly away replace them with Rouens. I love my ducks!!! They are soooo much fun even if they don't absolutely love being handled I can herd them and handle them if I need to. They are an absolute joy to have.

thanks for the info. You just confirmed what I had finally figured out. I doubt I could catch them to clip their wings without traumatizing them. When I handled them as babies, they would fight so hard the entire time i was holding them and the other 2 still in the box would freak out so bad I finally quit trying. They never got calmer. Tried for about 2 weeks then gave up. I read that if they had a steady food source they would stick around. Don't actually believe that. Not sure what I'll do.At least I know what I have to deal with now.
please help I don't know the sex of my Rouen thought it was a girl but now not so sure I can see hints of green on her head in the sun since she started molting shes 16 weeks old
I'm pretty sure he is a boy. Have you tried voice sexing? The girls sound loud like geese and the boys are quiet and hoarse. They sound like their trying to quack but it's stuck lol

well unfortunately I'm almost deaf so I have a hard time hearing but when my parents come over to visit I will hold he/she and see what my mom hears I think it's raspy the girls are very loud I can hear them especially when they want their play time in the yard it's funny becuase she stayed looking like a girl up until about 3 days ago then they all started molting like I said they are 16 weeks old I would have thought the colors would have been defined by now but that's why I joined this site I have chickens ducks are a new thing for me :)
well unfortunately I'm almost deaf so I have a hard time hearing but when my parents come over to visit I will hold he/she and see what my mom hears I think it's raspy the girls are very loud I can hear them especially when they want their play time in the yard it's funny becuase she stayed looking like a girl up until about 3 days ago then they all started molting like I said they are 16 weeks old I would have thought the colors would have been defined by now but that's why I joined this site I have chickens ducks are a new thing for me :)

They are pretty new for me as well. I was on the dot with voice sexing mine so I knew early on. With rouens they all look like females until their first molt. Then they shed their baby feathers and get their grown up boy feathers.. :)

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