Run and yard design


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 8, 2013
Friends with chickens and vegetables: our chickens destroyed our yard over the winter. We have rocks and mulch and bark scattered all over the grass which will need to be completely redone. Do you have your chickens penned in to a separate part of your yard? We are going to create a specific chicken area in the yard and was hoping to see examples of how you've fenced the yard, tastefully. We have a tractor but prefer to have a more permanent separation. Pictures would be awesome. Thank you!
This works for us! We have only 3 chickens. The fence is 4', clipped 1 wing on each bird, so we haven't had any problems with flying over. There is wire stapled to the bottom on the wood fence that comes outside the pen to prevent diggers. Part of the pen is sand (which I love) and the other is pine straw, grass leaves...whatever is around. That stuff turns into wonderful much and there is plenty of digging to be had, even in the winter. There are a couple of grazing frames to help keep them in "greens". This is all in a suburb in which chicken are not allowed, so far we've been lucky! The coop is a small prefab with tons of modifications (not seen in this angle) and the Little Tykes house is their lil chicken clubhouse, they hang in there when it's raining or snowing. I covered the windows with clear plastic for the winter. It's been a really nice set-up for us, just waiting...waiting ...for a little spring
Thank you. This is great. Are those big boulders or stones used to line and separate the yard? Are they real or artificial?

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