Run-away chicken returned as "wild turkey"


Dec 13, 2016
I have an easter egger that disappeared about a week ago. I figured she was stolen by a predator. Well she reappeared today. I locked her up (also locked the rest of the flock out of the run) hoping to keep her home. Well I'm a bit worried about locking her old flockmates up with her tonight because she is exhibiting the defensive stance that wild turkeys make. Wings out, tipped over, trying to be big and scary. She didn't try to attack me when i was in the run with her but she is very skittish even more so then she was before.

Should I just let her go and wish her a happy life or should I try to reintegrate her into the flock? Should I lock her up seperate and act like she is a completely new chicken?
You need to let her out and follow her. She has eggs somewhere and she is broody. Find the nest and if you're lucky you can bring her and the eggs back and get her to set them. In about 2 more weeks you'll have baby chicks if she hasn't been off the nest for too long.
So I had her trapped for less then 1.5 hours. I freed her and as soon as she thought I wasn't paying attention she bee lined it for under a junk car on the neighbors property. To say we don't have a working relationship with the neighbor is an understatement. I would be arrested if I tried to follow her. Oh well she knows where food is so when they hatch or when she gets over it hopefully she will come back. Any suggestions on how to keep her babies safe from my flock if she shows up with chicks?
She will keep her babies safe from the flock. Do you have a predator problem in your area? If so do the neighbors have a dog or anything that might keep her safe while she is out?
Just read the part that you didn't have a rooster. I wish I had seen that earlier. The best thing to do if you get the opportunity is catch her and keep her locked up for a few days until she breaks. She may set for a month or more trying to hatch eggs that are likely not fertile.
Just read the part that you didn't have a rooster. I wish I had seen that earlier. The best thing to do if you get the opportunity is catch her and keep her locked up for a few days until she breaks. She may set for a month or more trying to hatch eggs that are likely not fertile.

A little bit of internet research and wild bird knowledge and you could be right making this possibly very interesting.

Known local wild birds: Turkeys, ring neck pheasants, 1 male peacock but i haven't heard him recently.

Lots of government studies and no viable turkey chicken hybrids.

A male ring neck pheasant however can make viable chicks with a female chicken.

To my knowledge a blue peacock is just a pheasant who is supposed to live in India. Also he lives in the neighbor's trees. When he's around.

She is a wheaten color with a dark head. Guess I will update in 2 weeks. She has survived this long and I counted her dead so time will tell.
This was her mid March. She came back with more under feathers poking out and standing much taller (except when she was impersonating a turkey).

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