Runner can't lay egg or is a rubber egg!

I believe it's 50mg per pound. I will get gluconate and try that too. It's raining (as usual) in Oregon now, so not much sun! That's why I thought Vit D may be helpful.
You could try a little vitamin D3 too, but since it's a fat soluble vitamin it should not be given daily. Not positive, but that's what I remember reading. :idunno.
I believe it's 50mg per pound. I will get gluconate and try that too. It's raining (as usual) in Oregon now, so not much sun! That's why I thought Vit D may be helpful.
Yes, Vitamin D is necessary for the transport of calcium. As I stated in earlier post, you can dose all the calcium in world but if they don't have enough Vit D, it won't be taken up, absorbed into the blood stream. The main source is sunlight for natural consumption but if cloudy, overcast alot or being kepted in a totally enclosed area, they may not be getting enough Vit D.
If the Vit D is measured in IU's (individual units)the conversion to mg is not a easy straight forward calculation. There are lots of sites on the net that can explain how to do it better than I can.
The usual dosage is 50mg per day, if I remember correctly. HTH
Yes, Vitamin D is necessary for the transport of calcium. As I stated in earlier post, you can dose all the calcium in world but if they don't have enough Vit D, it won't be taken up, absorbed into the blood stream. The main source is sunlight for natural consumption but if cloudy, overcast alot or being kepted in a totally enclosed area, they may not be getting enough Vit D.
If the Vit D is measured in IU's (individual units)the conversion to mg is not a easy straight forward calculation. There are lots of sites on the net that can explain how to do it better than I can.
The usual dosage is 50mg per day, if I remember correctly. HTH
Thank you for that information! I have some research to do! I wish there was liquid supplements to give making it easier!! :)
Not that it really matters, but IU means "international unit". :D
Here is a site that converts IU to mg or mcg.

Edited to add:
So I looked it up and 1000 IU of Vitamin D = 25 mcg (micrograms) = 0.025 mg
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