*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Update on my little ones! Echo is improving in spades. If anything she is a little guts. Zola still doesn't eat as much as Echo, but has improved. She was actually eating significantly less. I was really worried about her on the second day. She was barely walking and when she did it was very wobbly and not very far. I feed her more weetbix, honey, Brewers yeast and kale purée to get her energy up a little and eating more. She absolutely loves it! Still eats less than Echo, but a vast improvement. I've even noticed her walking more. Still a bit wobbly and she looks tired if she walks too much but I think if I continue feeding her purée and adding different fruits or veggies for some vitamin variety and encourage her to forage more while outside, she will be alright. I had looked into trying to change their feed. I found some at a local pet store but I believe it's for older ducks and not ducklings. I don't know if they are ready for that. But so far it's all looking better. Thanks for all the advice
I'm looking into finally getting some runner ducks this year, I will prob need to order them online since I've never found any locally. Do any of you have runner ducks from an online hatchery? If so which one? Never ordered from a hatchery before and no clue who has good quality runners. I've read one post about getting runners that don't stand up straight as they should from one specific hatchery, now I'm nervous about ordering! Thanks

Hi, where are you located? I am in Idaho and I have runners from Metzer Farms, that just hatched some ducklings! I would love to re-home some.
They love it too Amiga gives them something to do too. Ducklings love playing in the dirt/ lol helps to build up their immunity also.
Ducklings? Pffft! Ducklings, ducks probably platypuses LOVE dirt in fact, if ducks could make their own food pyramid dirt would be right at the base of it.
It would look something like this:

Hopefully as care takers, we can enforce a better diet then what they would choose
Ducklings? Pffft! Ducklings, ducks probably platypuses LOVE dirt in fact, if ducks could make their own food pyramid dirt would be right at the base of it.
It would look something like this:

Hopefully as care takers, we can enforce a better diet then what they would choose
That about sizes it up. lol or stacks it up.
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Ducklings? Pffft! Ducklings, ducks probably platypuses LOVE dirt in fact, if ducks could make their own food pyramid dirt would be right at the base of it.
It would look something like this:

Hopefully as care takers, we can enforce a better diet then what they would choose
For my ducks yellow and brown would be switched, otherwise very accurate! Oh, does poop include cat poop? My runners love cat poop, but the other ducks don't.
I love the duck food pyramid!!! I have picked up the back yard pretty well, so mine mostly skip the red part. Ahhh! They are missing a food group!!! They do make a beeline for any dropped clear plastic containers (salad or tomato boxes), which I use to bring them treats - but which they enjoy even when they are empty. Will that fulfill their "red" nutritional requirements?

I did catch a pair the other day trying to mate... on the blue part of a feed bag. Maybe they thought it was water?
I love the duck food pyramid!!! I have picked up the back yard pretty well, so mine mostly skip the red part. Ahhh! They are missing a food group!!! They do make a beeline for any dropped clear plastic containers (salad or tomato boxes), which I use to bring them treats - but which they enjoy even when they are empty. Will that fulfill their "red" nutritional requirements?

I did catch a pair the other day trying to mate... on the blue part of a feed bag. Maybe they thought it was water?
My ducks worship ice cream pails. Mostly because that's what I carry their feed in.
Is that pair maybe a little bit umm... mentally impaired?
How can I encourage my Drakes and Fawn & White Ducks to mate? My ducks are 23 monhts old and my drakes are 10 mos old. My drakes mate with my other ducks (I purchased them as ducklings and they have grown up together/bonded) but my F/W are still not comfortable with the drakes, they run from them. One drake caught and mated w/one of the f/w about 5 months ago, and I haven't seen it again. Now I am putting them together in a pen area, but they just avoid each other. I will keep doing this. I guess this is all I can do?
Any suggestions? This sounds like a silly Q, to me, but i want your opinions.
Thanks for your replys
For my ducks yellow and brown would be switched, otherwise very accurate! Oh, does poop include cat poop? My runners love cat poop, but the other ducks don't.
Definitely all poop. Rocks would also include normal rocks as well as sapphires, rubies, diamonds, fossils or any other rocks (check your rings ladies). This whole section contains things that most animals wouldn't consider food. Yellow and brown layers are closely related as the process of boring a foot in the ground involves eating a lot of mud and dirt and such so I will agree, those two layers could well be in flux.
Definitely all poop. Rocks would also include normal rocks as well as sapphires, rubies, diamonds, fossils or any other rocks (check your rings ladies). This whole section contains things that most animals wouldn't consider food. Yellow and brown layers are closely related as the process of boring a foot in the ground involves eating a lot of mud and dirt and such so I will agree, those two layers could well be in flux.
It would be funny to see how much attention a ducks rear end got after eating a diamond!

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