*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

these reason for no being able to pick up and the ducks coming from CA while the hatchery is in ohio is because the hatchery uses Metzer's which is in Cali for their ducks...meyer and and MM to my knowledge hatch their own chicks but use metzer's for ducks...which is why your duckling come from Cali when you order from those two.

i ordered straight from Metzer's since they'd be coming from them anyway if i bought from Meyers..and they'll ship out the 24th and be here the 25th or 26th. in my order is one female blue runner duckling, 2 female khaki campbell's, and 3 female welsh harlequins.
I am a duck newbie!

We just got 3 fawn and white runners about a week ago. I think they are about 3-4 weeks old. I have raised chickens from about 2 days old, but never ducks. They are growing fast! When will they get their adult feathers? I take them out everyday to our little pond but they get cold pretty fast, so I bring them back in. They are outgrowing their indoor pens very fast and I feel bad keeping them inside, but like I said they get cold outside. We have a large chicken coop and run and are hoping to put them in with them. So far the ducks and chickens are doing ok when introduced. The ducks seem to be the dominant ones.

Also, what does everyone do with the eggs? Hatch them, eat them? We are already over run with chicken eggs! We wanted the ducks for slug control and just because we like them, not for their eggs.

2 of them are very friendly toward me, one is a bit shy. Will they stay friendly as they grow? Their names are Forest Duck, Monty and Monroe. When will I be able to tell if they are boys or girls?

I have read this entire thread over the past few days and just love all the pictures and stories. Do ducks run off? We have just over an acre and it is partially fenced, unfortunately the pond is not within the fence! Will they go to the neighbors houses like our chickens do? Our chickens always come back, will the ducks? There are some large ponds a few blocks away and I worry that these ducks will find them and not come back. We will get our pond fenced in, but not right away. Is it okay for the ducks to be around the goats? The chickens do well with the goats and sometimes hang out in the goat pen.

The babies like to follow our Chihuahua around, it is sooo cute! Ok, sorry for being so chatty!
I am new to BYC and a new duck owner. I purchased two ducklings from my local farm store that was supposed to be Runners all though they wasn't sure do to the fact they had all their ducks in together. I am guessing they are about 5 weeks old now. I am kind of thinking they are actually Pekins instead of Runners do to their size and coloring. I was wondering since you guys know so much about runners if you could tell me if there is a way to tell the two apart at that age?
I will ad some pics so you can see them for your selves.

I know the pics are not that great so if you need more let me know and I will take some better ones. Thanks for any help.
Hi, I am new to BYC and a new duck owner. I purchased two ducklings from my local farm store that was supposed to be Runners all though they wasn't sure do to the fact they had all their ducks in together. I am guessing they are about 5 weeks old now. I am kind of thinking they are actually Pekins instead of Runners do to their size and coloring. I was wondering since you guys know so much about runners if you could tell me if there is a way to tell the two apart at that age? I will ad some pics so you can see them for your selves. I know the pics are not that great so if you need more let me know and I will take some better ones. Thanks for any help.
Those are pekins
Thanks. We bought two more baby Runners ( I hope ) after we started suspecting these were Pekins ( We picked them ourselves this time. ) My wife just had to have Runners. She loves watching them. She has grown quite attached to the Pekins also though. They are very friendly. They all just love it when I chew up ice and hold it in my hand for them. They go to town on that stuff. LOL! Anyway, I will post some pics of the new baby Runners later. Thanks again for the help.

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