*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

CyndiD has been 90 here for the last 3 days. Aircondition/ heat pump is not working. Coming tomorrow to look at it. Needless to say I no longer have heat on baby duck. Pretty sure his dad is my runner. His head almost touches aquarium top. He's less than 2weeks old. My chocolate I got last week has been laying. I to have heard they are not good setters. If anybody on here has had good luck or bad luck I'd love to know. Also my male is real protective of my female. Is that normal? My other males are protective but not to the extent my runner is. I believe he would attack me if I tried to pick up the female. Was never like that before.

Amiga woukd know t/answer to ur protective Q. I would think drakes have different levels of agressiveness/protective instincts. T/one that is more protective, is he new to ur flock or has he been there awhile? Maybe age plays a part?
WOW, 90°'s, i say YUCK!! I do not do well in temps over 75. That would be my perfect temp.
Do u have a heating pad? U know the kind we women use on our tummies, to put uner ur little baby, until ur heat pump is working again, or a heat lamp? How cute when u said "his head almost touches..." take a pic of that, cute.
P.S. yes, i do have a chest freezer. I am still considering getting t/50# bag since it can be used for my dogs & for me & my DH!?
Have you actually tried Brewers yeast? I got some for dh and I to consume with the hopes that it would keep us from being eaten alive by Mosquitos. I sampled a little in some milk and had to throw it out! I'm getting the capsules for us. It was debittered too and was still horrible! I use nutritional yeast in our foods so I didn't think Brewers yeast would taste too bad. Boy was I mistaken!!! I can't imagine there is food strong enough to conceal the taste.
Have you actually tried Brewers yeast? I got some for dh and I to consume with the hopes that it would keep us from being eaten alive by Mosquitos. I sampled a little in some milk and had to throw it out! I'm getting the capsules for us. It was debittered too and was still horrible! I use nutritional yeast in our foods so I didn't think Brewers yeast would taste too bad. Boy was I mistaken!!! I can't imagine there is food strong enough to conceal the taste.

You're right needlessjunk, it's not very pleasant tasting. I also prefer nutritional yeast, although it's an acquired taste. First time I tried it I thought I was pretty gross. Now I love it, especially on popcorn.
I have been given the opportunity to get 2 Rouen Ducklings not sure of the sex of them I currently have 2 Runners going on 1 year old a drake and duck. My question is would the Runners and the Rouens get along when they are old enough to be outside? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Have you actually tried Brewers yeast? I got some for dh and I to consume with the hopes that it would keep us from being eaten alive by Mosquitos. I sampled a little in some milk and had to throw it out! I'm getting the capsules for us. It was debittered too and was still horrible! I use nutritional yeast in our foods so I didn't think Brewers yeast would taste too bad. Boy was I mistaken!!! I can't imagine there is food strong enough to conceal the taste.

No, i have not tried it. Thanks for t/heads up. Does t/nutritional yeast work for ducks? I read about it last week & if i remember correctly, it is processed differently?
I just found a site on it. I will make up my mind soon on the BY. I bought some niacin tabs that i am giving my dear ducklings plus greens. Thanks everyone.
I have been given the opportunity to get 2 Rouen Ducklings not sure of the sex of them  I currently have 2 Runners going on 1 year old a drake and duck. My question is would the Runners and the Rouens get along when they are old enough to be outside? Thanks in advance for any advice.

I thik so. Animals are very adaptable w/your help of slowly introducing them & treats all at/tame time helps too. Just make their meetings calm, & positive. This is my personal opinion. & be ready to intervein, if needed, if t/older ones pick on t/youer ones.
I put my 4day olds (2 chocolate runners) w/my 2 & 3 week old buffs, runners & large pekins. They got pecked by a few of thelder ducks, i was right there hovering over t/brooder & gave each duck a flick on t/beak & said "no" to them when they peckedi would only leave the4 day okd in/w t/older ducks 2-3 times a day for 10-20 mins, i was there t/whole time. I did this for 3-4 days in a row & now t/little ones & w/t okder ones permanetly, they r All together (12) ducklings 2,3 & 4 weeks old. I have 2 fawn & white runners (hens) that r 1 yr old. When my ducklings r outside in their pen my f&w runners only came over to t/pen one time to check them out. t/ducklings got out of t/pen today & ran around & my f/w runners didnt attack or even go near t/ducklings. Sorry sooo long winded!
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What color is this drake duckling? He was hatched 3/4/15, according to the info that Privett hatches on Wednesday per their price list, we got the six ducklings 3/8. Any ideas? The choices are supposed to be blue, black, chocolate, fawn/white. He looks more grayish than the tan coming through in this first picture. He was said to be a khaki campbell but one day he "stood up" and we decided he was a runner.

Looks like a blue & white mix or a blue & f/w mix? Here is a pic of my f&w & my young blue runners.
they r 3 months old here (hens). They r 1 yr old now.
they r 1 month old
Your drake has a dark beak, like my blue's.
Hope this helps.

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