*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

That's Impa and Ezri, and they rarely are. I can always expect one of them to be running around all crazy and yelling at nothing, or stuck inside the pen while everyone else is out foraging because she wasn't paying attention when they left and now she can't remember where the gate is. They trip over things more than the entire rest of the flock combined! Their sister Zoe (one of the blues) integrated with the older birds so gracefully, I don't know why the Twins are still so derpy...
I know those babies, I just can't tell them apart.
That's Impa and Ezri, and they rarely are. I can always expect one of them to be running around all crazy and yelling at nothing, or stuck inside the pen while everyone else is out foraging because she wasn't paying attention when they left and now she can't remember where the gate is. They trip over things more than the entire rest of the flock combined! Their sister Zoe (one of the blues) integrated with the older birds so gracefully, I don't know why the Twins are still so derpy...
Oh they are so cute!! Impa and Ezri sound like my ancona drake, Louie. He is such a derpy bird...he doesn't even know how to be a duck LOL! He cannot grasp the concept of bathing, he only dunks his beak and flaps...but wont get in the water. So he is just flapping air and putting a few dribbles of water on his chest with his bill. It is hilarious.
Louie just wants a hot tub

My boys are the same way but the girls are squeaky clean
They all love to come in the house for a hot tub session. Cracks me up. But silly Louie, even as a baby didn't understand the bathing thing. I always had to help him. He keeps us laughing, his derpyness is part of his charm. He follows our lead drake (Pogo the Rouen) around and copies everything he does. Shane always jokes that if Louie could talk he would run around saying "Do what Pogo does!". We adore him.

Ember and Cinder update. I don't know how runners ever got put on our no list. The amount of personality these babies have is unbelievable. I am very surprised as I figured if we got them from the big bin of babies they wouldn't like us at all...not the case. These two little fluff nuggets want to be with us as much as possible.

Sweet little Ember. I notice Ember has a more rounded head and body than Cinder and a more narrow bill.

Cinder is mr (or ms.) personality. So curious about everything and very outgoing.
:) They all love to come in the house for a hot tub session. Cracks me up. But silly Louie, even as a baby didn't understand the bathing thing. I always had to help him. He keeps us laughing, his derpyness is part of his charm. He follows our lead drake (Pogo the Rouen) around and copies everything he does. Shane always jokes that if Louie could talk he would run around saying "Do what Pogo does!". We adore him. Ember and Cinder update. I don't know how runners ever got put on our no list. The amount of personality these babies have is unbelievable. I am very surprised as I figured if we got them from the big bin of babies they wouldn't like us at all...not the case. These two little fluff nuggets want to be with us as much as possible. Sweet little Ember. I notice Ember has a more rounded head and body than Cinder and a more narrow bill. Cinder is mr (or ms.) personality. So curious about everything and very outgoing.
Oh my goodness, they are too precious.
I have Two females and a male!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!!!!! They are 3 weeks old and I can't wait for them to have ducklings!!!! One happy ducky momma!
They all love to come in the house for a hot tub session. Cracks me up. But silly Louie, even as a baby didn't understand the bathing thing. I always had to help him. He keeps us laughing, his derpyness is part of his charm. He follows our lead drake (Pogo the Rouen) around and copies everything he does. Shane always jokes that if Louie could talk he would run around saying "Do what Pogo does!". We adore him.

Ember and Cinder update. I don't know how runners ever got put on our no list. The amount of personality these babies have is unbelievable. I am very surprised as I figured if we got them from the big bin of babies they wouldn't like us at all...not the case. These two little fluff nuggets want to be with us as much as possible.

Sweet little Ember. I notice Ember has a more rounded head and body than Cinder and a more narrow bill.

Cinder is mr (or ms.) personality. So curious about everything and very outgoing.
And now that you are a new "runner family", you can relate to the phrase: "Stompy, stompy, stomp!"
Aimtomistbehave, just to steal your words.... My day-old ducklings looked so graceful, even when they fell over trying to scritch their face with their fwappity-stompers!"
And now at three days they look hilarious when they go from deep sleep to fwappity-stomping jumps all around the bathtub!
Your words fit perfectly.
I know those babies, I just can't tell them apart. :idunno

Ugh, I know! They came out looking just the same! Ezri's brown parts are little redder, and she has spots on the back of her bead, where Impa's brown parts are more tan, and she just has one band across the back of her head. They're both full-time ditzes :D

Zoe and Wednesday ended up looking really similar as well, once Zoe grew up! I can only tell them apart by checking for Wednesday's black and white back patches! Too many twins!
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