*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

My name is Celery. I'm a lone duckling with no siblings. When I was very young I did float on top of the water and swim. Now that I'm older (10 days old), I've learned to do other things.

When I'm put in warm water, I just lay in the tub and soak.

When the water gets deeper. I just float!

My name is Celery. I'm a lone duckling with no siblings. When I was very young I did float on top of the water and swim. Now that I'm older (10 days old), I've learned to do other things.

When I'm put in warm water, I just lay in the tub and soak.

When the water gets deeper. I just float!

He's a submarine!
My name is Celery. I'm a lone duckling with no siblings. When I was very young I did float on top of the water and swim. Now that I'm older (10 days old), I've learned to do other things.

When I'm put in warm water, I just lay in the tub and soak.

When the water gets deeper. I just float!

How cute! Can Celery swim normally or does she always sink?
Hahahahaha USS Celery fits him better than you know. Not only does he have the stealth submarine attributes, he also features a gator attack mode for those times you really need to get rid of intruders on land!

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Was a warm day so i went out to.do a health check on my ducks. Feet , Beaks bottoms and what not. I noticed a something on the beak part
i would call it scales. Is this from beak growth?

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