*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Thank you
Its is so crazy. I remember waiting for them to come in the post office like it was yesterday.
But i love how their personalities have turned out.
The black ones are the loudest!!!!

The fawn and whites and the most outgoing and first to try everything

The chocolates are always last and always in the back and they are the quietest. And they are the smallest

The blues are always in the middle of the crowd

And the khaki campbells are the bossiest

Both khakis and ember(one of the blacks) want to chase off the goslings.
The baby goose norman wanted to help me herd the ducks back to their pen today. Norman reached out and bit at gertrude( the boss khaki) and almost grabbed her tail and she turned around puffed up and i had to grab her before she grabbed him

Lol entertaining.
For the most part tho the geese follow me around the yard and the ducks stay by their pool and leave the babies alone

I love spending time observing.
One of the fawn and whites was determined to climb up in my husbands lap today. They are soo personable. Love them
Sounds like some very good entertainment you have going there. I love it . I have 1 chocolate/Blk [not sure which way she'll go once she molts] and 1 blue and 1 Buff Orp that are my lil piggies when I bring out the meal worms those 3 will just about make themselves sick trying to eat them all. But I have made such good progress with them now eating out of the small container and my hand I am so glad of that. The other 5 including the Runner drake will gather close but they aren't as brave. I am so happy I ventured out with these 2 breeds and that my scovy's get along with them so well.

Sounds like the geese and ducks are finding their place too that is good to hear. Norman sounds so typical, oh gosh those ganders. Gotta love them.
your ducks are so beautiful. i really like your blues, their color is beautiful.
my f/w are the leaders along w/one blue runner.
my little trio that i bought from you are growing so fast. i will put them outside in a grow-out pen tomorrow, i will give them a heat lamp. i have 9 chicks i want to put w/them; hope they get along.

the f/w are very dark, i dont remember my other f/w being so dark...

the pekin is such a scardicat!! poor duckling

They have grown so much. The f/w are going to be dark. Love it
your ducks are so beautiful. i really like your blues, their color is beautiful.
my f/w are the leaders along w/one blue runner.
my little trio that i bought from you are growing so fast. i will put them outside in a grow-out pen tomorrow, i will give them a heat lamp. i have 9 chicks i want to put w/them; hope they get along.

the f/w are very dark, i dont remember my other f/w being so dark...

the pekin is such a scardicat!! poor duckling

Thank you

Wow they have really grown! I always am shocked out how fast they grow! You would think i would be used to it lol.
They are really dark! I like that! Cant wait to see when they are all feathered in.
My 4- fawn and white girls are almost identical in color! I thought i would be able to tell them apart better once they were feathered but i still can tell. One is a little lighter than everyone else. But they are all patterened the same.
Sounds like some very good entertainment you have going there. I love it . I have 1 chocolate/Blk [not sure which way she'll go once she molts]  and 1 blue and 1 Buff Orp that are my lil piggies when I bring out the meal worms those 3 will just about make themselves sick trying to eat them all. But I have made such good progress with them now eating out of the small container and my hand I am so glad of that. The other 5 including the Runner drake will gather close but they aren't as brave.  I am so happy I ventured out with these 2 breeds and that my scovy's get along with them so well.

Sounds like the geese and ducks are finding their place too that is good to hear. Norman sounds so typical,  oh gosh those ganders.  Gotta love them.  :love

Thats great! Im so glad i bought runners this time. They are such busy cute little ducks .
Yeah i think they will turn out to get along okay. The geese are the same height as the khakis already which is crazy.
My backyard is Far better than an tv show
the fiancé bought 2 mallards before she got her runners (6) she has a crested mallard hen and a regular hen... lets just say she wants to rehome her mallards for more runners lol... I will post some pictures of her coop that she and her dad and I are building.... it's a little overkill... her duck operation is going to outgrow my chicken operation in no time
the fiancé bought 2 mallards before she got her runners (6) she has a crested mallard hen and a regular hen... lets just say she wants to rehome her mallards for more runners lol... I will post some pictures of her coop that she and her dad and I are building.... it's a little overkill... her duck operation is going to outgrow my chicken operation in no time
She's fallen victim to duck math.

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