*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

I think they started eating it because of the geese and decided they liked it.
I have 3 African Geese that I have raised with the ducks (so they'd all get along) and once the geese were large enough to roam the pen I would cut grass for them and put it in a tray of water. The geese LOVED it. Later the ducks starting digging in also. I guess the thought was that if the geese like it that much it must be good stuff.
You might try chopped kale or other greens (no lettuce, it has no food value) and see if there is something they like right now and you could start mixing in fresh cut grass.
I clip the grass with scissors from weedier areas around my garden. Mowed grass can be used if picked up immediately after mowing (and not too full of weeds). Mowed grass that has sat in the sun for any time is no good, makes great mulch but can't be safely fed to fowl.

I tried giving my ducks whole corn kernels. They did not like them at all. But when I gave them half ripe soft kernels I also broke in half, they started liking it. Now it's like fast food for them - they hardly eat their feed, they just go and eat stuff by themselves and every now and then, they demand corn. And they are a loud bunch of feathery beasts when it comes to corn..
Haven't been on here in aaaaaaaaggggggeeeessss!!!! My Daffy is all grown up. (Almost at least) He's gotten so big! I took these today. The black and white one is Hopscotch, though she is not a Runner. :p
have been crazy about Runners since I was deployed to Asia and saw thousands of them working together in the rice fields.

I did over a year of research before I got them. I don't personally like getting an animal until I am confident I can take care of them properly.

We moved back to my home area in Kentucky in January and in the spring I got 4 Runner Ducks and mistakes happen and ended up with 2 Pekin.

I started the day I got them as ducklings bringing them outside with me into the garden. They slept in the house in a large kiddy pool until they could get out of it and then we built a coop. Though the runners have free access to the house during the day via a cat door in my son's bedroom. Which they use. They have access to 25 acers to free range on they mainly stay in the gardens and when it is hot they stay right by the house.

Their names are Pigget VonDrake, Sneezy the Magnificent, Sir Whatchamacallit and Runt.
The Pekins are Gusgus and Loudmouth. Those were our original 6.

I never realized what joy and blessings they would turn out to be!!![/QUOTE]
I lost one of my LiL Runner girls yesterday and I am wanting to tell you all this so you can be prepared for something like this. I noticed Tuesday that My lil Runner was standing off by herself just not normal for Runners and when the rest of her flock went up the hill to the pool she didn't follow, I saw her standing by the water bucket but never saw her drink and never did see her eating which is very uncommon. So Wednesday with casportpony's help we ordered the stuff to begin tube feeding we're rural so no place here to buy the stuff. Anyway I ordered from Amazon using my 2 days shipping which was delivered on Friday. To late though for Lindy she died in my arms early afternoon yesterday. No outward symptoms at all physically as far as looking at her, but something was terribly wrong. I just want to encourage everyone to make sure your prepared for any type of medical issue, I have a lot of things in my med kit for my animals but I didn't have tube feeding things. Tube feeding may not have cured her but trying to syringe a sick duck is very hard on them and the person doing it and you just can't give them what they need.
I will try anything I can to help one of mine I just wasn't prepared for this.:hit
Lindy is behind Smudge in my Avatar.

I loved that duck RIP My sweet girl. :love

I'm so sorry big hugs

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