Runner duck not laying yet


Nov 10, 2019
My chocolate runner duck has not yet laid a single egg. The rest of her egg mates started laying back in mid august we have 2 pekins that she is bonded with that are laying and lay whereever they want so we have a daily egg hunt for those eggs but only find the pekins eggs she is just not laying and we have no idea why
Call Ducks(Chocolate, Grey, Butterscotch, Snowy, Silver Appleyard, Pastel), East Indies, Rounens, Pekins, Mallard's, Indian Runner Bantams, Fawn and White Indian Runners, Black Australorp's, Red Leghorn, Easter Eggers, OEGB, Red Jungle Fowl, Barred Rocks, Black Minorca, Silver laced Wyandotte, Toulouse, and African Geese
Well I can def. vouch for when she starts you’ll forget having to wait for her to start. She’ll probably lay straight for 18 months my 2016 yr Runners did. You have 5 ducks 2 are Pekin? What the other 2?besides the Runner.

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