Runner Ducks


8 Years
Dec 22, 2013
Norman, Oklahoma
I have 4 Runner Ducks and a great Duck house, at least I think it's great. They are 6 months old and for 4 months they have gone in this house so I can lock them up to protect them from predators. In the past month they quit going in their duck house. They go to a corner of the pen and stay there. I have gone out 2 or 3 in the morning and they are still huddled out in the open in the same corner of the pen with no protection from the elements. This duck house is a huge one and I don't understand what they want. Does anyone have any suggestions. They are going to start laying any time now and I would rather them lay in the duck house.

OOPS! I posted in the wrong place. I'm trying figure out how to delete and post in the right spot.
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Have you tried herding them in before dark? My 5 Runners know when I get behind them and start walking with my arms out that they are to head in for the night. Ducks are very trainable and learn quick once they know what you want. I can even herd my chickens in. Not bragging just saying if your consistent you can teach them. Once you get them inside toss in a handful of meal worms for them as a reward.
I did the same thing posting my first time! :eek: They helped me get to the right place too. Welcome, this is a GREAT forum and everyone is so helpful!

Have you checked inside the pen? Really checked and poked through the hay or whatever for possible critters that may have decided to make a home in there for the winter? I'm wondering if there might be something in there that is frightening them.

I see you're in Oklahoma and I imagine it gets pretty cold there and I sure wouldn't want my ducks staying outside all night so if there's nothing in their pen do like Miss Lydia says and start "making" them go in.
Have you tried herding them in before dark? My 5 Runners know when I get behind them and start walking with my arms out that they are to head in for the night. Ducks are very trainable and learn quick once they know what you want. I can even herd my chickens in. Not bragging just saying if your consistent you can teach them. Once you get them inside toss in a handful of meal worms for them as a reward.
My ducks hate their houses but they go in when I ask, usually. Not because the like me, but because once in the house they get PEAS!
Have you tried herding them in before dark? My 5 Runners know when I get behind them and start walking with my arms out that they are to head in for the night. Ducks are very trainable and learn quick once they know what you want. I can even herd my chickens in. Not bragging just saying if your consistent you can teach them. Once you get them inside toss in a handful of meal worms for them as a reward.
I did the same thing posting my first time! :eek: They helped me get to the right place too. Welcome, this is a GREAT forum and everyone is so helpful!

Have you checked inside the pen? Really checked and poked through the hay or whatever for possible critters that may have decided to make a home in there for the winter? I'm wondering if there might be something in there that is frightening them.

I see you're in Oklahoma and I imagine it gets pretty cold there and I sure wouldn't want my ducks staying outside all night so if there's nothing in their pen do like Miss Lydia says and start "making" them go in.

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